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Last updated Jun 16th, 2024

What is Reedsy?

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What is Reedsy?

Reedsy is a marketplace that connects authors with the publishing world’s best freelancers to help them create awesome books. With a community of over 500,000 indie authors and professionals, Reedsy has become the place to find the right editors, designers, marketers, publicists, and web developers to make your book a success.

On the marketplace, clients can browse through our freelancers’ profiles and request no-obligation quotes for their projects. From their side of the platform, our freelancers can respond to requests, collaborate with authors, and manage payments all in one place.

I just need advice for writing/publishing my book. Can you help?

Absolutely. For that, we have Reedsy Learning, a series of free online courses that provide insights into the writing, publishing, and book marketing processes. These courses are taught by top industry professionals and some of the best publishing companies we have partnered with.

Each course includes 10 bite-size, five-minute lessons delivered straight to your inbox one by one over 10 days. And did we mention they’re free? You can sign up for multiple courses at any given moment, but we recommend taking them one at a time to absorb the material! 🤓

What other resources can I find on Reedsy?

Happy you asked!

  1. If you’re looking for a great (free!) book formatting tool, we got you covered with the Reedsy Writing App.
  2. We also have a topical blog packed with free guides, resources, and advice.
  3. If you need to kick your writing into high gear, you can participate in our weekly writing prompts contest or check out our curated list of writing contests.