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Last updated May 24th, 2023

Reedsy Live — free educational webinars with top publishing professionals

On Reedsy Live, we take our free content philosophy one step further by inviting top publishing professionals to share their tips on live YouTube webinars. This is a unique opportunity to learn directly from professionals with years of experience in the publishing industry — and perhaps even ask them some of your burning questions!

Reedsy Live events take place bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 3 pm EST (New York). During these live events, we rotate between all topics in publishing, from genre-specific writing tips to book design to marketing.

Most professionals featured on Reedsy Live can also be found on our Marketplace. If you like their work style, you can contact them and request a quote for your project right after a webinar!

To be notified about our future sessions, please subscribe to our weekly newsletter or head to our Reedsy live page, where you can also watch our previous Live events!