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Last updated Jun 16th, 2024

Reedsy Learning — your free online publishing school 🎓

Reedsy provides a range of free 10-day courses taught by publishing professionals and experienced authors — and you can find them all on our Reedsy Learning page! Here’s what you need to know about these courses.

5 minutes a day for 10 days!

To sign up for one of our free learning courses, just head over to our courses page, find the topic that best suits your needs, and sign up with your email address! During the next 10 days, you’ll receive a daily email from us with a 5-minute lesson!

You can sign up for multiple courses at once, though we recommend enjoying the bite-size nature of these courses and working your way through them one at a time!

What kind of courses do you offer?We have a variety of topics for you to choose from, which we’ve split into the following categories:

  1. Writing
  2. Editing
  3. Design
  4. Marketing
  5. Publishing
  6. Distribution

I didn’t receive my lesson, what now?

If you miss one of our lessons, go to the top of the page of the following lesson — just above the lesson’s title — where you’ll find this link: “Missing yesterday's lesson? Click here.” That link will take you to the previous lesson.

If you didn’t receive the first lesson, please try checking your spam/junk folder. Gmail users should also check the ‘Promotions’ tab in their inbox — that’s often where our emails end up.