Antje Althans

Antje Althans – Translator

An experienced, conscientious Literary Translator who has been specialising in Women's Fiction for ages but now translates non-fiction, too.


I'm an experienced and conscientious Literary Translator (English-German) who has worked for big publishing companies like Random House, AmazonCrossing, and HarperCollins for 20+ years. I stopped counting my translations at number 50. You can find a selection in my portfolio below.

What I like most about my job is that you never know what kind of text will come next - it's never boring!

My very first project was a novel by Joyce Carol Oates - I couldn't believe my luck!

For ten years I had the honor of translating bestselling author Rachel Gibson, learning a lot about ice hockey (and sex!) in the process.

Another well-known author I translated is Faye Kellerman ("Moon Music", German title "Denn verschwiegen ist die Nacht", 2002).

This year (2019) I started translating non-fiction which was very refreshing after all the routine. I particularly liked the (true) story about a cat detection dog called Molly ("Molly & Me" by Colin Butcher).

But generally I'm open to all kinds of texts.

I'm looking forward to many interesting new projects.

Working process:

If I get a new text, my first step is to read at least a few chapters to get a feeling for it. For me it is very important to retain the original voice. In order to achieve this, I always try to stay as close to the original as possible; but of course it's also very important to make the text sound good and run smoothly. It should always be a pleasure to read!

For me, translating is not about being as fast as possible. A good translation is a little like a good wine. It needs time to ripen.

If you want a fully edited version (please note: not formatted!) of my translation I can arrange that, too.

Biographies & Memoirs Self-Help & Self-Improvement
Chick Lit Contemporary Romance Historical Fiction Literary Fiction Mystery & Crime Romantic Suspense
English to German
  • AmazonCrossing 2014 Readers' Choice Award
  • M.A. in English Philology and History
  • Continuation course "Literary Translation from English to German"

Work experience


May, 1997 — Present

I've been working freelance since 1997 and have published more than 50 translations for big publishing companies like Random House, AmazonCrossing and HarperCollins.


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Kamals Formel ist so simpel wie genial: Schwöre dich selbst zu lieben. Mit aller Kraft, von ganzem Herzen, mit jedem Gedanken und bedingungslos in jeder Sekunde.Diesen Ratschlag gab er sich selbst, als er tief in einer Lebenskrise steckte. Ein Freund riet ihm,... read more
Tierdetektiv Colin Butcher hat alle Hände voll zu tun, im Alleingang ausgebüchste und gestohlene Katzen aufzuspüren. Also beschließt er, Unterstützung anzuheuern: am besten eine mit vier Pfoten und wuscheligem Fell! Am Ende einer langen Suche lernt Colin Molly... read more
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Der Zorn des Engels.

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