Sara Leone

Sara Leone – Editor

I am an accomplished editor with experience in copyediting, proofreading, and project management. I am an Ivy League graduate.


I worked for the past seven years as a project editor at a distinguished academic press. I had to leave my position to care for my ailing mother. I'm heartbroken to say that she recently passed away. At present, I am working full-time as a freelancer. I am able to devote all of my time to Reedsy projects. I have worked with over 300 scholars from around the world to ensure that their manuscripts are typo-free, thought-provoking works. Before my current position, I was the managing editor of a scholarly journal on maritime history. I began grad school at the University of Cambridge. I transferred to Brown University to complete my studies. My field is history. I have undergrad degrees in anthropology, German studies, and studio art. In addition to English, if your project contains German language words, I could be of assistance in editing.

My philosophy is that the most important aspect of any project is my relationship with the author. I came to copyediting and proofreading from academia, so I understand the intense connection between the author and the writing. I always honor and maintain the author's voice. My experience goes beyond the academic world, too. I served as the editor of a newsletter/magazine for families, making history accessible for all ages. In fact, I even wrote text for a box that contained women's underwear. It was a stretch but I finally made it fit. But seriously, regardless of topic, I keep that most important end goal in sight: your reader.
Biographies & Memoirs Entertainment History Humanities & Social Sciences LGBTQ Non-Fiction
Historical Fiction LGBTQ Fiction Literary Fiction
English (UK) English (US)

Work experience

Duke University Press

Mar, 2013 — Nov, 2019 (over 6 years)

I am responsible for supervising manuscript editing, proofreading, and production for 25-30 trade and scholarly books per year. My tasks include:

*Copyedit and proof manuscript, cover copy, blurbs, and index
*Work in partnership with author to ensure that writing has clarity and accurate scholarship
*Primary liaison between author and Duke University Press throughout editorial production
*Direct scheduling to ensure that projects meet all deadlines for design, composition, and printing
*Monitor quality, costs, and schedule throughout the entire book production cycle

Brown University

Jan, 2004 — Jun, 2009 (over 5 years)

*Managed 300+ courses with colleagues in humanities and social sciences depts. for high school summer programs and undergraduate summer courses. Edited descriptions for all disciplines to ensure that faculty fully articulated course potential for targeted student markets. Planned and supervised logistics including master scheduling calendar, classroom bookings, media services requests, computing needs, textbook ordering, supplies, and field trips
*Implemented yearly course recruitment campaigns with department chairs and faculty to create adult, undergraduate and high school curriculum; wrote recruitment brochures, website and e-communication
*Created and presented faculty training sessions
*Brown Writers’ Symposium - coordinated all aspects of the program, from vetting initial short story applications, to developing online initiatives that allowed participants to critique work from their homes after the program ended

Mystic Seaport Museum

Mar, 1994 — Sep, 2003 (over 9 years)

I was the managing editor of the Log of Mystic Seaport and the editor of the Wind Rose. It was a full-time job, but I continued to work on both publications part-time when I began grad school.

The Log of Mystic Seaport (Scholarly Maritime History Journal)
*Selected content and photos, edited six to ten history articles per issue
*Wrote four news columns per issue, and on an as-needed basis, journal articles regarding the Museum
*Primary liaison with authors from submission process to final proof
*Managed $65,000 publications budget. Reduced budget by 34% while maintaining high quality by exploring new options for production

Wind Rose (Bimonthly Maritime History Magazine)
*Created new publication, and planned yearly schedule and content; coordinated with 200+ Museum staff to adhere to deadlines
*Edited approx. 20-30 submissions per issue, selected photos and wrote articles as needed
*Served as primary contact for external vendors and freelancers
*Managed $50,000 yearly publication budget

*Wrote all program publicity including brochures, program announcements, press releases, invitations and surveys
*Instituted e-initiatives including membership web site and “membermail” e-mail news bulletin
*Served as editor of the Annual Report, wrote chairman’s message and blurbs on various Development projects
*Wrote “Mystic Seaport Salutes” column; interviewed trustees and high level donors for quarterly piece that highlighted various methods of giving
*Composed newsletters for Watercraft endowment, Shipyard endowment, and Capital Campaign


First published in French in 1998, revised in 2010, and appearing here in English for the first time, Michel Chion's Sound addresses the philosophical, interpretive, and practical questions that inform our encounters with sound. Chion considers how cultural in... read more
In Who Counts? Diane M. Nelson explores the social life of numbers, teasing out the myriad roles math plays in Guatemalan state violence, economic exploitation, and disenfranchisement, as well as in Mayan revitalization and grassroots environmental struggles. ... read more
In Art & Language International Robert Bailey reconstructs the history of the conceptual art collective Art & Language, situating it in a geographical context to rethink its implications for the broader histories of contemporary art. Focusing on its internatio... read more
In Entre Nous Grant Farred examines the careers of international football stars Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez, along with his own experience playing for an amateur township team in apartheid South Africa, to theorize the relationship between sports and the inte... read more
In Placing Outer Space Lisa Messeri traces how the place-making practices of planetary scientists transform the void of space into a cosmos filled with worlds that can be known and explored. Making planets into places is central to the daily practices and prof... read more
In Punk and Revolution Shane Greene radically uproots punk from its iconic place in First World urban culture, Anglo popular music, and the Euro-American avant-garde, situating it instead as a crucial element in Peru's culture of subversive militancy and polit... read more
During the Khmer Rouge's brutal reign in Cambodia during the mid-to-late 1970s, a former math teacher named Duch served as the commandant of the S-21 security center, where as many as 20,000 victims were interrogated, tortured, and executed. In 2009 Duch stood... read more
In Cold War Ruins Lisa Yoneyama argues that the efforts intensifying since the 1990s to bring justice to the victims of Japanese military and colonial violence have generated what she calls a "transborder redress culture." A product of failed post-World War II... read more
In What Does It Mean to Be Post-Soviet? Madina Tlostanova traces how contemporary post-Soviet art mediates this human condition. Observing how the concept of the happy future—which was at the core of the project of Soviet modernity—has lapsed from the post-Sov... read more
In Atmospheric Things Derek P. McCormack explores how atmospheres are imagined, understood, and experienced through experiments with a deceptively simple object: the balloon. Since the invention of balloon flight in the late eighteenth century, balloons have d... read more
Following his investigation into experimental music and sound recording in Records Ruin the Landscape, David Grubbs turns his attention to the live performance of improvised music with an altogether different form of writing. Now that the audience is assembled... read more
In Making Light Raymond Knapp traces the musical legacy of German Idealism as it led to the declining prestige of composers such as Haydn while influencing the development of American popular music in the nineteenth century. Knapp identifies in Haydn and in ea... read more
In this bold, innovative work, Dorinne Kondo theorizes the racialized structures of inequality that pervade theater and the arts. Grounded in twenty years of fieldwork as dramaturg and playwright, Kondo mobilizes critical race studies, affect theory, psychoana... read more
Beginning in the late 1950s, representations of and narratives about sex proliferated on French and U.S. movie screens. Cinema began to display forms of sexuality that were no longer strictly associated with domesticity nor limited to heterosexual relations be... read more
In Jezebel Unhinged Tamura Lomax traces the use of the jezebel trope in the black church and in black popular culture, showing how it is pivotal to reinforcing men's cultural and institutional power to discipline and define black girlhood and womanhood. Drawin... read more
From the haute couture runways of Paris and New York and editorial photo shoots for glossy fashion magazines to reality television, models have been a ubiquitous staple of twentieth- and twenty-first-century American consumer culture. In Work! Elspeth H. Brown... read more
From vividly colored underwater photographs of Australia's Great Barrier Reef to life-size dioramas re-creating coral reefs and the bounty of life they sustained, the work of early twentieth-century explorers and photographers fed the public's fascination with... read more
In Shimmering Images Eliza Steinbock traces how cinema offers alternative ways to understand gender transitions through a specific aesthetics of change. Drawing on Barthes's idea of the “shimmer” and Foucault's notion of sex as a mirage, the author shows how s... read more
Devised in the 1940s by the biologist C. H. Waddington, the epigenetic landscape is a metaphor for how gene regulation modulates cellular development. As a scientific model, it fell out of use in the late 1960s but returned at the beginning of the twenty-first... read more
In Spiritual Citizenship N. Fadeke Castor employs the titular concept to illuminate how Ifá/Orisha practices informed by Yoruba cosmology shape local, national, and transnational belonging in African diasporic communities in Trinidad and beyond. Drawing on alm... read more
Women from the state socialist countries in Eastern Europe—what used to be called the Second World—once dominated women’s activism at the United Nations, but their contributions have been largely forgotten or deemed insignificant in comparison with those of We... read more
In Red Hangover Kristen Ghodsee examines the legacies of twentieth-century communism twenty-five years after the Berlin Wall fell. Ghodsee's essays and short stories reflect on the lived experience of postsocialism and how many ordinary men and women across Ea... read more
During the early twentieth century, Shanghai was the center of China's new media culture. Described by the modernist writer Mu Shiying as "transplanted from Europe" and “paved with shadows,” for many of its residents Shanghai was a city without a past paradoxi... read more
We have entered a new era of nature. What remains of the frontiers of modern thought that divided the living from the inert, subjectivity from objectivity, the apparent from the real, value from fact, and the human from the nonhuman? Can the great oppositions ... read more
During the Second World War, the FDR administration placed the FBI in charge of political surveillance in Latin America. Through a program called the Special Intelligence Service (SIS), 700 agents were assigned to combat Nazi influence in Mexico, Brazil, Chile... read more
In a letter to his baby grandson, Bill Lazarre wrote that "unfortunately, despite the attempts by your grandpa and many others to present you with a better world, we were not very successful." Born in 1902 amid the pogroms in Eastern Europe, Lazarre dedicated ... read more
Departing from conventional narratives of the United States and the Americas as fundamentally continental spaces, the contributors to Archipelagic American Studies theorize America as constituted by and accountable to an assemblage of interconnected islands, a... read more
In Migrant Futures Aimee Bahng traces the cultural production of futurity by juxtaposing the practices of speculative finance against those of speculative fiction. While financial speculation creates a future based on predicting and mitigating risk for wealthy... read more
Critically Sovereign traces the ways in which gender is inextricably a part of Indigenous politics and U.S. and Canadian imperialism and colonialism. The contributors show how gender, sexuality, and feminism work as co-productive forces of Native American and ... read more
Presenting two decades of work by Abigail Solomon-Godeau, Photography after Photography is an inquiry into the circuits of power that shape photographic practice, criticism, and historiography. As the boundaries that separate photography from other forms of ar... read more
In Illegible Will Hershini Bhana Young engages with the archive of South African and black diasporic performance to examine the absence of black women's will from that archive. Young argues for that will's illegibility, given the paucity of materials outlining... read more
In Dying in Full Detail Jennifer Malkowski explores digital media's impact on one of documentary film's greatest taboos: the recording of death. Despite technological advances that allow for the easy creation and distribution of death footage, digital media of... read more
Addressing a wide range of improvised art and music forms—from jazz and cinema to dance and literature—this volume's contributors locate improvisation as a key site of mediation between the social and the aesthetic. As a catalyst for social experiment and poli... read more
Providing an overview of Japanese media theory from the 1910s to the present, this volume introduces English-language readers to Japan's rich body of theoretical and conceptual work on media for the first time. The essays address a wide range of topics, includ... read more
In today's volunteer military many recruits enlist for the educational benefits, yet a significant number of veterans struggle in the classroom, and many drop out. The difficulties faced by student veterans have been attributed to various factors: poor academi... read more
Who and what are marriage and sex for? Whose practices and which ways of talking to god can count as religion? Lucinda Ramberg considers these questions based upon two years of ethnographic research on an ongoing South Indian practice of dedication in which gi... read more
During her difficult childhood, Esther Newton recalls that she “became an anti-girl, a girl refusenik, caught between genders,” and that her “child body was a strong and capable instrument stuffed into the word ‘girl.’” Later, in early adulthood, as she was on... read more
What terms do we use to describe and evaluate art, and how do we judge if art is good, and if it is for the social good? In How Art Can Be Thought Allan deSouza investigates such questions and the popular terminology through which art is discussed, valued, and... read more
In Erotic Islands, Lyndon K. Gill maps a long queer presence at a crossroads of the Caribbean. This transdisciplinary book foregrounds the queer histories of Carnival, calypso, and HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. At its heart is an extension o... read more
In Anthropology in the Meantime Michael M. J. Fischer draws on his real world, multi-causal, multi-scale, and multi-locale research to rebuild theory for the twenty-first century. Providing a history and inventory of experimental methods and frameworks in anth... read more
After Ethnos

Tobias Rees

For most of the twentieth century, anthropologists understood themselves as ethnographers. The art of anthropology was the fieldwork-based description of faraway others—of how social structures secretly organized the living-together of a given society, of how ... read more
In recent years the popularity of service learning and study abroad programs that bring students to the global South has soared, thanks to this generation of college students' desire to make a positive difference in the world. This collection contains essays b... read more
In the West African nation of Togo, applying for the U.S. Diversity Visa Lottery is a national obsession, with hundreds of thousands of Togolese entering each year. From the street frenzy of the lottery sign-up period and the scramble to raise money for the em... read more
From computer games to figurines and maid cafes, men called “otaku” develop intense fan relationships with “cute girl” characters from manga, anime, and related media and material in contemporary Japan. While much of the Japanese public considers the forms of ... read more
In A Fragile Inheritance Saloni Mathur investigates the work of two seminal figures from the global South: the New Delhi-based critic and curator Geeta Kapur and contemporary multimedia artist Vivan Sundaram. Examining their written and visual works over the p... read more
Over the course of her long career, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick became one of the most important voices in queer theory, and her calls for reparative criticism and reading practices grounded in affect and performance have transformed understandings of affect, intima... read more
Even as feminism has become increasingly central to our ideas about institutions, relationships, and everyday life, the term used to diagnose the problem—“patriarchy”—is used so loosely that it has lost its meaning. In Vexy Thing Imani Perry resurrects patriar... read more
In this generous collection of book reviews and literary essays, legendary Village Voice rock critic Robert Christgau showcases the passion that made him a critic—his love for the written word. Many selections address music, from blackface minstrelsy to punk a... read more
Is It Still Good to Ya? sums up the career of longtime Village Voice stalwart Robert Christgau, who for half a century has been America's most widely respected rock critic, honoring a music he argues is only more enduring because it's sometimes simple or silly... read more
Mohawk Interruptus is a bold challenge to dominant thinking in the fields of Native studies and anthropology. Combining political theory with ethnographic research among the Mohawks of Kahnawà:ke, a reserve community in what is now southwestern Quebec, Audra S... read more

Sara has 8 reviews





Ellen S.

Ellen S.

Sep, 2024

Sara is an exacting proofreader. If she doesn't know something, she will look it up and give you the source. Besides catching all the missing commas, capitalizations and hyphenations, she will let you know when something just doesn't make sense.
Sara L.
Ellen is a pro. Her writing is superb and I was honored to work on a project with such a profound subject matter. I hope we can work together again.
Jack R.

Jack R.

Sep, 2024

Very thorough, and great feedback and insight, especially with the political/academic stuff. Hopefully we'll get a chance to work together again.
Otilija Š.

Otilija Š.

Jun, 2024

Sara did a great job. She was very cooperative, responsive, and edited the manuscript with high standards. I would recommend her anytime.
Dieter S.

Dieter S.

Mar, 2021

what do you wont me to write it took painful 9 month to edit my book ? is that it ?
Aruna K.

Aruna K.

Dec, 2020

Sara put in a great deal of time and effort in her work, which she takes very seriously. She is passionate and brings that to the table.

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