Mark Levesley

Mark Levesley – Editor

UK-based science education writer, with an interest in Key Stage 3 and GCSE science education.


I'm a science education writer. I work as a series editor on various science education courses for the 11 - 16 age range, and I write biology and chemistry.
Education & Reference
English (UK)
  • BSc Biochemistry
  • PhD Molecular genetics

Work experience


Mar, 1998 — Present

I have a BSc in biochemistry and a PhD in molecular genetics, and trained as a research scientist before moving into teaching. For the last 20 years I have written and developed science education materials, with a particular interest in the 11 - 16 age group. I have worked for most of the major UK publishers (Pearson – including Edexcel, Heinemann & Longman), Nelson Thornes (now part of Oxford University Press), Hodder Education and HarperCollins. I have been the series editor on a number of publications, including Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Sciences and four editions of Exploring Science, and I have led a panel looking at curriculum design for Pearson. I'm based in west London.


* Maximum planning support and flexibility - with easy-to-use planning software, background information for every topic and detailed guidance on delivering the three-part lesson. * Unique transition support - the only course published from Year 3 to year 9. * ... read more
Fully revised and updated according to the specific needs of your high attainers, with appropriate language and content. A wealth of questions in each of the text books challenge, reinforce and consolidate learning. The structures support a condensed two year ... read more
Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Combined Science: Student Book (Edexcel (9-1) GCSE Science 2016) by Mark Levesley (2016-06-08)

Mark Levesley;Penny Johnson;Iain Brand;Mrs Susan Kearsey;Dr Nigel Saunders;Ms Sue Robilliard;Dr John Ling;Carol Tear

A rich and stimulating learning experience - Exploring Science: Working Scientifically Student Books present Key Stage 3 Science in the series' own unique style - packed with extraordinary photos and incredible facts - encouraging all students to explore, and ... read more

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