Laura Arbex

Laura Arbex – Designer

Interior and Cover designer for Fiction and Non-Fiction books throughout 9 years. Passionate about Books, Design and Print Production.


Hi, I’m Laura and I’m passionate about books since I was a little child.
I was writing books myself when I was 9 years old and the thing I loved the most about it was highlighting the head titles, choosing fonts, size and colors. So in my afternoons after school I was making layouts without even knowing what layouts were. Using my first big PC computer.
When I reached age enough to merge creativity with skills, I received a scholarship to the best graphic design school in Rio de Janeiro.
My first biggest project was when I designed my own hand writing typography back in 2011, which became the most contemporary type of font from then until nowadays.
Another accomplishment was when I won a prize for a project created for a public kids school. It was called "Book Scenario" where the book was entirely handmade by fabric and it was two meters size interactive book.

In my professional experience I can highlight the four years I worked in an Editorial Design studio where the most famous publishers were our clients and I became the Coordinator of our design team. This experience helped me to meet my client’s expectations in the best way possible and reach their goals. I have a profound respect for writers since their content is often part of them and I’m glad to transform into art.
And this is one of the things that I would make sure to offer on my services.

9 years of experience in Editorial Design. My nearsightedness won't get in the way of my keen eye for detail and alignment. This is my number one rule + I have a good glasses for it!
My main goal is to help publishers and authors communicate their message in a graphic and objective way but always standing out. The book covers needs to tell a bit of the story but catching the reader's curiosity. While the book interior's needs to be comfortable in terms of readability and stand out with graphic elements or charts/tables. I will make sure that the book will catch and target the readers. You'll have the exact book as you imagined, if possible even better!

It was always important to me to understand book designing in terms of cross-cultural exchange that’s why I lived and worked in Brazil, Portugal, Poland and Spain.

“As for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.” Moby Dick

I’m looking forward to sail with you throughout the entire book design process. : )

Chick Lit Contemporary Fiction Humor & Comedy Middle Grade Poetry
Education & Reference Humanities & Social Sciences Self-Help & Self-Improvement

Work experience


Jan, 2022 — Present


Meeting the clients goals through my services and respecting all the rules established during the briefing.

Blackbird Group

Jan, 2020 — Jan, 2021 (about 1 year)

#DESIGN TO BUSINESS. Creating and establishing company’s rebrand. Developing digital and printed marketing materials, such as presentation templates, offers to clients, newsletters, brochures, website features, etc.
Located in Warsaw/Poland.

CoBe Architecture et Paysage

Jan, 2019 — Jul, 2019 (6 months)

#DESIGN TO BUSINESS. Creating and developing newsletters and print materials (Online/Offline Marketing) for the architect studio. Responsible for the design team at the marketing sector.
Located in Porto/Portugal.


Apr, 2018 — Sep, 2018 (5 months)

#EDITORIAL DESIGN. Book design of a series of education and health publications of “Observatório do Cuidado” project by brazilian government.
Remote position with company located in Rio/Brazil.

BR75 studio

Sep, 2017 — Dec, 2019 (about 2 years)

#EDITORIAL DESIGN. Creating and developing editorial projects for brazilian publishers e.g non-fiction and several fictional genres. Also, business and marketing print materials.
Remote position with company located in Rio/Brazil.

Ilustrarte Design and Editorial Production

Dec, 2014 — Aug, 2017 (over 2 years)

#EDITORIAL DESIGN. Creating and developing diversed editorial projects for brazilian publishers, e.g non-fiction and several fictional genres. Also, managing and coordinating the design team and all clients demands.
Located in Rio/Brazil.

Malagueta Criativa

Jan, 2014 — Oct, 2014 (9 months)

#MARKETING. Creating and developing print marketing material and sales material for one specific client, TIM (mobile company). Materials such as banners, outdoors, packaging, etc.
Located in Rio/Brazil.

SC Johnson Brazil

Jul, 2013 — Dec, 2013 (5 months)

#PACKAGING. Art Department trainee, responsible for checking layout quality of packages and preparing it to be ready for print.


Jul, 2012 — Jun, 2013 (11 months)

#MARKETING. Creating and developing digital marketing and sales material for small companies.
Located in Rio/Brazil.


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Laura has 1 review





Gui R.

Gui R.

Apr, 2023

Laura was amazing. The layout was Great!

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