K.J. Wetherholt

K.J. Wetherholt – Editor

Publisher, Executive Editor, and Consultant w/over 20 years experience shaping publishing/media projects in both fiction and non-fiction.


I'm the Publisher/Executive Editor of an internationally-distributed book, journal, and multimedia publishing company (Non-fiction: academic, policy, journalism, and photojournalism; Other: fiction, poetry, plays, photography, art, narrative non-fiction), having also written about international crisis and conflict, media (primarily film and photojournalism), literature, history, and philosophy.

For Reedsy, I consult on others' projects: for non-fiction, this involves helping authors in the initial stages to both focus and to organize their thoughts and research through to a completed manuscript; for fiction, it involves taking a completed manuscript and maintaining an author's inspiration toward a streamlined, original whole that is ready for an agent, publisher, or self-publishing.

My editorial/consulting expertise: fiction (literary, historical, cultural, military/war, etc.), non-fiction, academic articles and monographs, journalism, photo and art books. Expert with Chicago, MLA, APA styles, as well as AP style for journalism.
Cultural & Ethnic Historical Fiction Literary Fiction Themes & Motifs
History Humanities & Social Sciences Photography Political Science & Current Affairs
English (US)

Work experience

Digital, Print, and Multimedia Publishing Company (Fiction/Non-Fiction)

Jan, 2010 — Present

I am the Publisher/Executive Editor of an international Print, Digital, and Multimedia book and journal publishing company dealing with international crisis/conflict as well as works (fiction and non-fiction) with social justice, humanitarian, human rights, and human condition subject matter.


Red Shuttleworth eats tumbleweeds for breakfast. He would rope a few calves before noon if it weren’t for a bum shoulder. The West settles down in him like a dog in the grass: the sound of his dialogue, the cadences of his characters, the smartness of their re... read more
The ghost of Jack Kerouac accompanies Shuttleworth on her way back from her residency at the Jack Kerouac House in Orlando, FL to the scablands of Washington state, meeting friends and interesting characters on the road. The book, featuring artistically render... read more
Synopsis: On the Western Front in 1918, during what was to have been the “war to end all wars,” three people meet at an Allied camp near Amiens. One English, one American, and one Irish, they forge a friendship which transcends nationality, surviving the harro... read more
Cover photo by Kadir Van Lohuizen of MIPJ partner NOOR.Partners represented: NOOR, IRIN, Socialdocumentary.net, MediaStorm.Features/Contributors: A Light in the Dark - Sean Mullan • The Definitions and Status of Refugees, IDP’s, and Stateless Communities - Lei... read more
Interview: Camille Seaman - K.J. Wetherholt/MIPJ • The 7.5% Native: Do I still Exist? - Melissa Ulto • Maya Healers: A Thousand Dreams - Fran Antmann/SDN • The Dam Boom - Yuri Kozyrev /NOOR • Colombia: Mochilas - Natasha Johl •The Berberes - Rui Pires/SDN • Th... read more
Photo Features: NOOR: The Water War by Francesco Zizola; Haiti's Shock by Pep Bonet; Brazil's Range War by Kadir van Lohuizen; Fractured: The Shale Play by Nina Berman; In the Oil Sands: Alberta by Jon Lowenstein / VII: Syrian Refugees by Lynsey Addario; Hurri... read more
The Inaugural Edition of the MIPJ, examining the Nexus of Media, Information, International Relations and Humanitarian Affairs. Edited by K.J. Wetherholt and Gary Knight of VII. Subject matter includes the wars and effects in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bosnia, Arab... read more
"The world is so weary and filled with fear; our souls are longing now for enchantment and hope. John Lundin has traveled to the heart of things, emerging with the light that guides our fearful hearts back home." -- Marianne Williamson, Author of A Return to L... read more
High Plains Fandango

Red Shuttleworth

"Red Shuttleworth is one of the finest poets of the American West, past, present, and future. Some of us also know him as one of the finest, imaginative living playwrights writing for a challenged American theatre. In Shuttleworth's daring and galvanizing, dar... read more
Ghosts & Birthdays

Red Shuttleworth

"Ghosts & Birthdays is Red Shuttleworth’s invocation and – 'levitation with the dead' – a poet’s cultural measure of the human menagerie: heroes, villains, antiheroes, writers, painters, boxers, poets, politicos, cowboy robbers, killers – an incredible range o... read more

K.J. has 94 reviews





Laurie S.

Laurie S.

May, 2024

She is worth her weight in gold. She's very professional, her expertise is top notch and I'm more than pleased fate brought us together.
Spencer R.

Spencer R.

Apr, 2024

I couldn't be happier with the choice of an editor with whom to collaborate on my novel. K.J. provided a professional assessment, developmental editing, copy editing and query letter review. I have had no formal training in writing. In short order, she was able to teach me enough about how to present fiction to dramatically improve my work. I am now ready to submit it for publishing.
Zheyu S.

Zheyu S.

Jan, 2024

With a limitation of time and an unbelievable workload, K. J. still managed all the things and helped me to polish my dissertation. Definetely the BEST editor I have met!
A D.

A D.

Sep, 2024

KJ Wetherholt is a great editor have in your corner. She works with you so that your work is what you want it to be and, most importantly, what publishers want.
Ann P.

Ann P.

Jun, 2024

It has been a pleasure working with K.J. and I highly recommend and value her work, as well as her kind and genuine feedback.

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