Working with museum editors, curators, artists and publication teams has expanded and refined my abilities to organize extensive material on a tight schedule. Originally from Seattle, I learned from a rich history of local art to respect and honor creativity.
“I much appreciate your work. The book looks downright appetizing, while at the same time conveying its complexities." – Mari Shaw, author of Painter and Pataphysician Thomas Chimes
"You have an elegant style that is often the only answer to use." –Art Chantry, designer
- http://bookawards.britishprint.com/2010/shortlist.aspx
- https://www.arlisna.org/about/awards-honors/awards-history/173-george-wittenborn-award-past-winners
- http://www.internationalbookawards.com/aboutuscontactus/2011awardannouncement.html
Work experience
My specialty is designing illustrated museum art catalogs, photography books, and elevating music packaging to book form, along with designing record albums, CDs, DVDs, film posters, and other illustrated books.
I continued designing books for Marquand Books as a freelance designer while building a client base in Seattle before moving to Finland and creating Erikoismerkki Kirjasuunnittelu.
Marquand Books
Conceptual design and layout of illustrated books for museums and University presses, revised design and layout to meet the needs of the client, museum and/or publisher, coordinated layout schedules with editorial manager, coordinated book specs and printing schedules with production manager, reviewed color proofs with clients and color house, on-press supervision of books printing overseas, produced a multitude of books under tight deadline to meet exhibition opening dates, designed collateral material for museums and publishers, and hired, trained and supervised design interns.

John has 7 reviews

Dawn W.
Feb, 2024

Susan R.
Oct, 2020

Susan R.
May, 2020

Xenia T.
Oct, 2018

Ann S.
Jul, 2018
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