Femke de Jong

Femke de Jong – Designer

I’ve been an illustrator since 2008 I work in editorial, publishing and advertising. My style would be great for book illustration work.


Hi, I am Femke. Originally from the Netherlands, but since 2003 I have been living in Bristol, UK.

I have worked for many editorial clients across the world, and still am doing so. My longest standing column is with BBC History Magazine, for whom I have worked for over 14 years.

My style would be a great fit for book/cover illustrations.

I have worked in this area before, and really enjoyed it.

Most of my work is quite history-oriented, I like to tell a story and create environments. My work is concept-driven, and my use of metaphor and allegory translate really well to modern day topics.

My work can be black and white or full colour.

Please have a look at my website for a taste of my work, I

am sure you will like it!

Looking forward to be working with you soon,

Very best,


Classics Cultural & Ethnic Historical Fiction Historical Mysteries Literary Fiction Poetry Steampunk
  • Hons
  • BA Illustration

Work experience


Jan, 2010 — Present

I have been doing graphic design work and gif animation for publishing, and advertising on a freelance basis for magazines and corporate clients.


Nov, 2009 — Present

It has been a pleasure and a privilege illustrating a Monthly column with BBC History Magazine.
For the last 10 yrs I get to illustrate the articles of Michael Wood.
Before that I illustrated for the radio presenter Chris Bowlby.


Jul, 2008 — Present

I am mainly a freelance illustrator. I work for editorial, advertising and publishing clients worldwide.
My work has is a combination of collage and drawn elements, woven together in a rich etched print style.
I have illustrated many historical subjects, as I love history, and as we should always learn from history this can apply to many modern day subjects.

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