Erika Zabinski

Erika Zabinski – Editor

Professional book indexer, specializing in academic publications on history and religion topics.


I can create a thorough, accurate, intuitive index for your book. I'm a professional indexer with over 10 years of experience in academic publishing, specializing in religion, history, and related topics.

I'm especially familiar with Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Christian church history, patristics, biblical studies, and Russian/Slavic studies. I have a MA in theology (historical emphasis). I’ve been professionally indexing since 2015, as well as copyediting similar material since 2010. Recent projects include volumes published with Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, and Brill (check out the portfolio below).

I read Latin and Spanish. I am familiar enough with Russian that I’m attentive to the issues of transliteration and name formatting.

In addition to standard keyword indexes, I can create specialized indexes such as lists of names, biblical references, or classical sources (index locorum). I use professional indexing software and can produce indexes as .rtf files, Word-embedded files, or Word/PDF files, depending on your publishing needs.

I look forward to hearing about your project!
Biographies & Memoirs Christian Non-Fiction Education & Reference Geography History Philosophy Political Science & Current Affairs
English (US)

Work experience


Sep, 2015 — Present


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