Hi, I'm Eli. I've served as an acquiring editor and editor in chief at university presses and a commercial publishing house over the last twenty years and to this day. I have acquired books in Latin American studies, American history, political science, literary nonfiction, and the social sciences. I've worked with literally hundreds of authors from every background, nationality, and level of experience.
I now provide authors with the level of insight they would hope to get from their own acquiring editor at a professional publishing house; think of me as a test-run editor! Are you polishing your book proposal, query letter, or pitch? I've read hundreds of them, and I can tell you what editors really seek out when they're looking at your pages. Are you trying to interpret or respond to complex external reviewer reports or editorial feedback? I can serve as a seasoned pair of eyes to identify what's truly important to your editors.
If you're stumped by something in the publishing world, I bet I can help decipher it!
Work experience
Flatpage Publishing
Acquiring editor for Flatpage Publishing, a NYC-based nonfiction publisher specializing in social sciences and culture.
Manuscript Craftwork Publishing Consulting
With nearly 20 years' experience in professional publishing, I now provide authors insight into the many steps of the process. I can help you navigate the world of university presses, non-profit publishers, historical society presses, and trade scholarly and non-fiction publishing houses. I have experience in a wide variety of humanities and social sciences.
University of Notre Dame Press
Managed operations of Notre Dame Press acquisitions department, including a staff of three, and acquired up to 25 books a year in regional and indigenous history and archaeology, global political violence and extremist studies, Latin American studies, Atlantic World and African American history, and colonial era and early American studies Books reviewed in Washington Post, Chronicle of Higher Education, New York Review of Books and elsewhere.
University of Notre Dame Press
Vanderbilt University Press
Initiated new lists in Latin American studies, Southern and Nashville history and several book series. Managed co-publishing relationship with the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum to produce books on music and music history.
University Press of Florida
Eli has 27 reviews

Denelda B.
May, 2024
Matthew C.
Feb, 2024
Matt I.
Sep, 2023
Shane H.
Mar, 2025

Jacques J.
Mar, 2025
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