Eldo Barkhuizen

Eldo Barkhuizen – Editor

Authors/Publishers – Get My 27 Years of Proofreading/Copyediting Experience on 683 Books • UK/US English • See the Testimonials Below



Former English teacher in a UK school (GCSE English).


Publishing Training Centre, Book House, London, copyediting course (pass with DISTINCTION).

Five UK Society for Editors & Proofreaders (now known as the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading) courses:

• On-Screen Editing

• Efficient Editing

• Proofreading Problems

• Working for a Client

• Project Management


Accepted in 2002 as an ADVANCED MEMBER of the UK Society for Editors & Proofreaders.


• Autobiography/memoir

• Natural health (herbal supplements and natural cures)

• Self-help and self-improvement

• History (ancient and modern)

• Psychology

• Biblical studies

• Theology

• Church history

• Christian books







Inter-Varsity Press

Sheffield Academic Press

Manchester University Press

Open University Press

Psychology Press

Polity Press


Pearson Education

Harcourt Education





MANY self-published authors


'I always enjoy working with a copy editor because it gives me a sense of security – someone is out there sparing my blushes! In fact I’ve been amazed how quick and painless it was this time round.'

~Dr Tim Chester, author

'Over the years I have written a dozen or so books but none of them has been edited as carefully and thoroughly as your . . . work. My sincere thanks.'

~ Dr P.T. O’Brien, Emeritus Professor

'Eldo, I have worked with many editors over the last forty years, and you are as good as any of them. Thank you for your outstanding work.'

~ Dr R.A. Peterson (co-author)

'Eldo is a very competent copyeditor whose work can be relied upon. Thoroughly recommended.'

~ Janey Fisher, Editorial Project Manager, Wiley-Blackwell

'Thank you for all your sterling work on my books through these 22 years.'

~ Dr Philip Duce, Senior Commissioning Editor, Inter-Varsity Press (email, on his retirement in November 2021)

’I have had the happy privilege of working with Eldo Barkhuizen as my copy editor on several projects, some of which were quite extensive and labor intensive.

’Eldo’s attention to detail in the midst of massive material is impressive, and his feedback was cordial, timely, and helpful – his services are highly recommended.'

~ L. Michael Morales, Professor of Biblical Studies, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

'It’s been a real pleasure working w. you! Many thanks for all the bits and pieces you’ve caught and for helping to improve the article!'

~ Professor Tia De Nora, author

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Biographies & Memoirs Christian Non-Fiction Health & Wellbeing History Philosophy Psychology Self-Help & Self-Improvement
English (UK) English (US)
  • BA, Rhodes University
  • Higher Dip. Ed., Rhodes University
  • Copyediting Certificate, Publishing Training Centre, London (Pass with Distinction)


Encountering philosophy of religion for the first time, we are like explorers arriving on an uncharted coastline. There are inviting bays and beaches, but rocky reefs and pounding surf as well. And what tribes may inhabit the land is anyone’s guess. But our ca... read more
The Jewish Philosophy Reader is the first comprehensive anthology of classic writings on Jewish philosophy from the Bible to the present. Complementing the History of Jewish Philosophy (Routledge, 1997), the Reader is divided into four parts:* Foundations and ... read more
Hegel is one of the most important figures in the history of ideas and political thought. His Philosophy of Right is widely recognised as one of the greatest works of political philosophy.Hegel and the Philosophy of Right introduces and assesses:* Hegel's life... read more
The Blackwell Guide to Ancient Philosophy provides a comprehensive treatment of the principal figures and movements of philosophy from its origins before Socrates, through the towering achievements of Plato and Aristotle, and into its final developments in lat... read more
A Companion to Chinese History presents a collection of essays offering a comprehensive overview of the latest intellectual developments in the study of China’s history from the ancient past up until the present day. Covers the major trends in the study of Chi... read more
A Companion to Latin Literature gives an authoritative account of Latin literature from its beginnings in the third century BC through to the end of the second century AD. Provides expert overview of the main periods of Latin literary history, major genres, an... read more
A Companion to the Classical Tradition accommodates the pressing need for an up-to-date introduction and overview of the growing field of reception studies. A comprehensive introduction and overview of the classical tradition - the interpretation of classical ... read more
The psychology of aging usually focuses upon cognitive changes, with a particular focus on dementia and other forms of cognitive decline. But getting older is about more than simply changes to the brain and related health issues. Changes to our social and emot... read more
Combining empirical evidence with indices to measure mattering, Family Matters: The Importance of Mattering to Family in Adolescence explores the inverse relationship between mattering and dysfunctional behavior in adolescence. Defines mattering and distinguis... read more
Written by one of the world's leading authorities on close relationships, this accessible study is one of the first to look seriously at what science can tell us about love, sex and friendship.
Where does science end and religion begin? Can "spiritual" images and feelings be understood on a neurobiological level without dismissing their power and mystery?In this book, psychiatrist Erik Goodwyn addresses these questions by reviewing decades of researc... read more
An oft-neglected element of postcolonial thought is the explicitly psychological dimension of many of its foundational texts. This unprecedented volume explores the relation between these two disciplinary domains by treating the work of a variety of anti-colon... read more
In this book, Steven F. Walker considers the midlife transition from a Jungian and Eriksonian perspective, by providing vivid and powerful literary and cinematic examples that illustrate the psychological theories in a clear and entertaining way.For C.G. Jung,... read more
The Science of Reading: A Handbook brings together state-of-the-art reviews of reading research from leading names in the field, to create a highly authoritative, multidisciplinary overview of contemporary knowledge about reading and related skills. Provides c... read more
Understanding Behaviorism explains the basis of behavior analysis and its application to human problems in a scholarly but accessible manner. Only book available that both explains behavior analysis and deals with philosophical and practical problems. Makes be... read more
This volume explores Plato and Aristotle's theories about good things, goodness, and the best life for human beings, and draws comparisons between ancient and modern theories of good and justice.
Nietzsche's philosophy - at once revolutionary, erudite and deep - reaches into all spheres of the arts. Well into a second century of influence, the profundity of his ideas and the complexity of his writings still determine Nietzsche's power to engage his rea... read more
The resurrection of Jesus is one of the most hotly debated issues in religion. This book aims to answer the questions that surround it. In a non-technical but detailed investigation, Peter Walker explains why three days in history changed the world forever, ex... read more
A new introduction to some important Christian theologians, for non-specialists. In this companion volume to The Breeze of the Centuries, Michael Reeves' accessible and informative introduction to a selection of influential or significant theologians covers Ma... read more
European Paganism

Mr Ken Dowden

European Paganism provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of ancient pagan religions throughout the European continent.Before there where Christians, the peoples of Europe were pagans. Were they bloodthirsty savages hanging human offerings from trees?... read more
The Enlightenment World offers an informed, comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the European Enlightenment (c. 1720–1800) as both an historical epoch and a cultural formation. This prestigious collection begins with the intellectual origins of the Enlight... read more
The Afterlife in Early Christian Carthage explores how the visionary experiences of early Christian martyrs shaped and informed early Christian ancestor cult and the construction of the cemetery as paradise. Taking the early Christian cemeteries in Carthage as... read more
Across the Revolutionary Divide: Russia and the USSR 1861-1945 offers a broad interpretive account of Russian history from the emancipation of the serfs to the end of World War II. Provides a coherent overview of Russia's development from 1861 through to 1945 ... read more
Assuming no prior knowledge of the period, this engaging narrative history introduces readers to the central features and main developments of sixteenth-century Europe.
This book presents new translations of Mesopotamian and ancient Near Eastern historiographic texts, providing the reader with the primary sources for the history of the ancient Near East. A primary source book presenting new translations of Mesopotamian and an... read more
With his recent theatrical success, THE PLAY WHAT I WROTE, Braben shows that the audience for the spirit of the incomparable Eric and Ernie is just as alive today as it was in their glory years. Now, the key figure behind their success, scriptwriter Braben, ha... read more
Helen of Troy: From Homer to Hollywood is a comprehensive literary biography of Helen of Troy, which explores the ways in which her story has been told and retold in almost every century from the ancient world to the modern day. Takes readers on an epic voyage... read more
Coming of the Rain

Katherine Makower

Joe Church went out to Rwanda as a young missionary doctor in 1927 determined to treat his patients and African co-workers as equals - for which he was sometimes criticised. His dedication to God, and his love for his fellow man were an integral part of the gr... read more
In 1996 a man wielding a machete ran into a primary school playground and began to slash at the children. Lisa Potts defended the children and received many injuries herself. In this book, Lisa tells the full story of that day, and describes the aftermath of t... read more
Recounting the greatest event of divine salvation in the Old Testament, the book of Exodus is not merely a story about the Lord God rescuing enslaved Israelites from the power of a despotic and xenophobic dictator. More importantly, it highlights how a compass... read more
The prophet Hosea lived through the tumultuous final decades of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The Assyrian invasion culminated in the destruction of Samaria, the end of the Northern Kingdom, and the exile of many of its people. Hosea called the people to fai... read more
The Bible is both a divine and a human book. It is the inspired word of God for his people, whether in biblical times or for the church today. It is also a fully human book, written by different people in a variety of cultural settings. Knowledge of biblical l... read more
On the surface, the book of Ruth tells the tale of an unlikely marriage between a destitute Moabite widow and an upstanding citizen of a Judean village. The deeper import of the story, however, has to do with the internal boundaries that define the people of G... read more
Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (Theology) Seeking an answer to Anselm's timeless question, "Why did God become man?" Graham Cole follows Old Testament themes of preparation, theophany and messianic hope through to the New Tes... read more
From the patristic period until today, John's Gospel has served as a major source for the church's knowledge, doctrine and worship of the triune God. Among all New Testament documents the Fourth Gospel provides not only the most raw material for the doctrine o... read more
Paul R. Williamson looks at the role of the covenant concept in Scripture and the meaning of this terminology. He then sets the idea of covenant in the context of God's universal purpose, and traces the idea through Noah and the patriarchs, the nation of Israe... read more
When the book of Acts is mentioned, a cluster of issues spring to mind, including speaking in tongues and baptism with the Holy Spirit, church government and practice, and missionary methods and strategies. At the popular level, Acts is more often mined for an... read more
By almost any measure, a bold and confident use of the Bible is a hallmark of Christianity. Underlying such use are a number of assumptions about the origin, nature and form of the biblical literature, concerning its authority, diversity and message. However, ... read more
"Return to me, says the LORD of hosts, and I will return to you," (Zech 1:3 ESV). Repentance concerns the repair of a relationship with God disrupted by human sin. All the major phases of church history have seen diversity and controversy over the doctrine. Th... read more
Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (Pauline Studies) "For neither circumcision counts for anything nor uncircumcision, but keeping the commandments of God" (1 Cor 7:19). The apostle Paul's relationship to the Law of Moses is noto... read more
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. . . . And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem. . . . And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man." (Revelation 21:1-3, ESV). In this comprehensive study, a New Studies... read more
The study of the book of Zechariah is bound to be enriching, for it is imbued from beginning to end with the same heart-cry that Jesus turned into a prayer for all of us: "Your kingdom come." Here Barry G. Webb explores the kingdom of God as the prophet Zechar... read more
Ezekiel comes to us as a stranger from a distant time and land. Who is this priest who, on his thirtieth birthday, has a dazzling vision of God on a wheeled throne? Who is this odd prophet who engages in outlandish street theater and speaks for God on internat... read more
Noticeable wear to cover and pages. May have some markings on the inside. Fast shipping. Will be shipped from US. Used books may not include companion materials.
The Bible is both a divine and a human book. It is the inspired word of God for his people, whether in biblical times or for the church today. It is also a fully human book, written by different people in a variety of cultural settings. Knowledge of biblical l... read more
The Old Testament Book of Leviticus is the sequel to Exodus in that it deals with a deeper dimension of the Sinaitic covenant, giving various rules for the life of the Israelites and for the sacrifices and offerings to be performed in the sanctuary. It address... read more

Eldo has 51 reviews





James A.

James A.

Apr, 2024

Eldo was quick, professional, and easy to work with. His editing was thorough and caught a lot of my grammatical errors. Was very thankful to have his expertise on this project!
Julian T.

Julian T.

Mar, 2024

Eldo was a joy to work with. He was professional, prompt, insightful, and helpful throughout the process. I would highly recommend his services.
Stephanie E.

Stephanie E.

Jan, 2024

Five-star copyeditor/proofreader extraordinaire. Eldo is the picture of professionalism and care. He took my manuscript and turned it into a completed work I can publish and share with confidence. His communication, attention to detail, and commitment to providing a product that one can be proud of is unmatched. I will recommend him over and over to everyone I meet. I am so thankful I was conne...
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Donald W.

Donald W.

Jan, 2025

Eldo is careful with the smallest details. He will clearly identify grammar problems. He respects the writer's point of view. All in all, you can trust you will have an excellent editor with him.
J J.

J J.

Dec, 2024

Eldo was incredibly helpful from the beginning of our collaboration right down to the very end. He thoroughly proofread and copy edited my work, provided thoughtful options for improvement, and kindly gave me pointers for Amazon KDP formatting. Our collaboration was due to end on the 18th of December, however, Eldo completed the proofreading and copy editing of my work on the 5th of December. ...
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