I am a pro with recipes, a passionate home cook and baker with a 100-hour culinary techniques certificate from the French Culinary Institute. I love cookbooks and have extensive experience editing recipes for Saveur and for Field & Stream's game and fish column, The Wild Chef. How-to and narrative nonfiction are also fortes of mine, but I'd love to branch out into literary fiction, fantasy, sci-fi, and YA, all genres that I love to read.
"Donna is one of the most thorough, patient, and experienced copy editors I have worked with in food publishing. Her command of language is extraordinary in general, but she truly understands the language of food and recipes in a rare and impressive way. She has so much pride in the work she does, and so much passion for the subject of food. Plus, she is just a joy to work alongside." —Stacy Adimando, executive editor of Saveur magazine and author of Piatti: Plates and Platters for Sharing, Inspired by Italy
"Donna is a tremendously skilled copy editor. She's meticulous and has a supreme command of the language, and at the same time displays a natural curiosity about the subject matter. These traits result in copy that's not only correct in every respect, but often with improved content." —Mike Toth, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Fishing Basics
- La Technique at the French Culinary Institute
Work experience
Bonnier Corp.
Under my watch as copy chief for Field and Stream magazine, we were nominated five times and twice won the prestigious American Society of Magazine Editors Award for General Excellence. I have years of experience editing how-to copy to be clear and concise. I also wrote the First Shot column, conducting interviews and distilling the results into entertaining, informative 200-word stories. For Saveur magazine, I made sure the recipe instructions were complete, logical, and easy to follow.
Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers
Copyediting always came naturally to me, and this was where I made it my profession.
Washington Square Press/Pocket Books
I began as editorial assistant to Jane Rosenman, reading and critiquing manuscripts and learning how to edit and work with authors. As associate editor, I acquired and edited the literary first novel Audrey Hepburn's Neck, the inaugural winner of the Pacific Rim Voices Kiriyama Prize. It wasn't in my job description, but the head of the cover copy department admired my skills and often asked me to write tempting cover blurbs for her, too.

Donna has 1 review

Timothy B.
Aug, 2019