I’ve been a professional ghostwriter for more than twenty years, mostly writing for business leaders and professional speakers on a wide range of topics. In 2005, an online business book I ghosted for a client hit the New York Times and Businessweek bestsellers lists. Another book, written for the same client four years later, was taught on MBA courses and ran into a third edition.
A series of twenty crime novels written for an independent publisher has generated thousands of five-star reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads.
I always aim to produce manuscripts that reflect the author’s voice as well as their views, and that are enjoyable to read while still being informative and thought-provoking. They’ve guided entrepreneurs through business-building and marketing, presented new thoughts on inspiration and motivation, and have allowed a leading educationalist to help people looking for direction in a jobs market that demands constant learning.
I've also written blog posts for clients, publishing regularly on personal and corporate sites, as well as on Forbes, Inc., and Entrepreneur.
Confidentiality agreements make sharing titles difficult but these are some of the testimonials and responses the books that I’ve ghosted have generated:
"You captured my voice and ideas so well, even my wife couldn't tell you did the writing!"
"I regularly teach the material in the book and the results are fantastic. Thanks again for a wonderful job. This book wouldn’t have seen the light of day without you."
"This is one of the most useful step-by-step get-it-done books I've read in a long time. As an author, I aspire to this."
Work experience
Ghostwriting, blogging, and co-writing for a number of business leaders, executives and professional speakers.
Wrote feature articles, landed interviews, and oversaw the production of innovative multimedia content for a relationships site and a careers site.
Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem
Organized exhibitions, researched artefacts, arranged loans, and wrote exhibition calalogs and other material.

Dean has 2 reviews

V R.
May, 2021

Phillip L.
Mar, 2019