I see my job as surprising the author by drawing what he or she meant in just a few lines - and, hopefully, making them laugh. Essentially I'm thinking sideways, linking together the author's text with current news, literary references -whatever.
My working method is to carefully read the author's text, together with any guidelines they might add, and work up a selection of ideas (usually too many!) as ink or pencil roughs for him or her to look at.
Work experience
Freelance Illustrator
These are some of the publishers and organisations I have produced artwork for:
Mary Glasgow Publications (later taken over by Scholastic), Nelson, Pearson, Macmillan ELT, Heinemann ELT. Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Exley Publications, Letts Educational, and Chancerel Publications.
Over the last few years (mainly in conjunction with Oxford Designers & Illustrators), I produced the artwork for a large number of books and posters for (Eire), where I was the principal conceptual artist on the 'Wonderland' and 'Wandsville'; series (author: Fiona Holmes).
I have also worked for RoSPA (mainly on safety cartoon strips, which I wrote), the RLSS (safety posters), 'Woman' magazine, and a weekly cartoon for'Amateur Gardening'.
Please note that at present I provide illustrations only, and not typography (unless a part of the artwork) or interior design.
David has 17 reviews

Elizabeth C.
Jun, 2021
Amit R.
May, 2021
Brad E.
Jan, 2021
marlana S.
Mar, 2025

Jeff and Ashley W.
Oct, 2024
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