Are you a real author?
Over the past few years, the publishing industry has changed quite a lot. However, the basics of good book design remain the same and are based on rules developed over centuries. For the perfect book to be produced these rules have to be applied and it makes no difference if you are publishing a paperback, hardback, kindle or EPUB format. A book needs structure and clarity, good typography, a page layout that reflects the author’s manuscript in a creative way and an attention-grabbing and unique cover.
I have worked as a book designer for over 25 years and I have vast experience in creating beautiful layouts and typography, commissioning illustrators and managing projects. I have worked on projects for some of the top publishing houses, including BBC, HarperCollins, Dorling Kindersley, Gallimard, Random House and Barnes & Noble.
My diverse portfolio includes books on many subjects across classics, reference, puzzles, fiction, and in academic fields - both adult and children’s titles.
I have a solid understanding of design styles, strong typographical eye and meticulous attention to detail. I work with Adobe InDesign and Photoshop and I love using Adobe Illustrator. I’m skilled at working to tight deadlines and multitasking.
Make your book stand out. Whether you are an independent writer or small publisher, I’m here to help you to have the thrill of getting your work out in the world looking perfect!
- BA Graphic Design UFRJ
Work experience
Arcturus Publishing
I have worked as Deputy Design Director at Arcturus Publishing and my key responsibilities were:
• Interior page and jacket design following the Editorial brief.
• Commissioning and managing briefs, specifications and budgets for freelance designers.
• Finalizing jackets and pages before books were signed off by the Art Director, Editorial and Sales department.
• Liaising with the digital team to create e-book covers.
Book Creation LTD
• Interior page design following the editorial team briefs. Clients included the BBC, Everyman Travel Guides, Harper Collins, Doris Kindersley and Reader's Digest.
• Diagrams and graphs.
Bea has 41 reviews
Susanna H.
May, 2024
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Mar, 2024
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Nov, 2023
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Aug, 2024
Anna W.
Aug, 2024
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