Work experience
• Operated as clients’ sole representative for all editorial, contract, royalty and sales needs. Guided authors through the publishing process – from the inkling of an idea to the finished book, and beyond to foreign sales and promotion.
• Edited manuscripts and proposals on grammatical and structural levels, and guided authors in the development of argument, tone, characters, and message.
• Wrote dynamic pitch letters to spark interest from editors on publishing projects.
Margret McBride Literary Agency
• Edited 59% of manuscripts and proposals that we represented, drafted pitch letters for them, and assisted authors with style, structure, continuity, voice, and character development.
• Managed a list of over 30 titles in the foreign market. Reinstated active role in foreign rights for the agency and sold books in 37 languages. Facilitated reprint permission requests (both academic and commercial), reversion of rights requests, and domestic rights amendments, such as downloadable audio and E-Book rights. Negotiated with publishers to secure rights sales. Acted as a liaison between authors and publishers for sub-rights.
• Wrote a foreign rights catalog from scratch, and regularly updated it. Networked and pitched books to foreign agents, editors, and literary scouts at the BEA (Book Expo of America).
• Communicated regularly with authors and editors on editorial, sub-rights, and royalty matters.
• Read and evaluated query letters, proposals, and manuscripts for possible representation by agency.
• Met with prospective authors. Participated in discussions with authors to maximize marketing opportunities, especially relating to internet marketing.
• Processed royalties and distributed statements to authors. Instituted weekly royalty reports.
• Reviewed domestic and foreign book contracts, film option contracts and theatrical option contracts, and requested alterations.
• Participated in strategic and editorial meetings for agency.
• Performed office duties – answered phones, logged in and tracked submissions, filed paperwork, scheduled appointments and phone calls for President, trained and interviewed new interns.
Zoetrope: All-Story
• Processed incoming manuscripts and conscientiously communicated with prospective authors via letters and email. Read manuscripts for possible publication at various stages of review. Wrote polite rejection letters when necessary.
• Performed office duties - researched sponsors for company events, processed credit cards, entered data, filled subscriptions, mailed packages, faxed memos, transcribed texts. Trained and directed new interns and readers in company procedures. Drafted various circulation and editorial letters; worded promotional advertisements.
• Managed over 1500 submissions and collected over $20,000 in funds for the short story contest.
Annie has 37 reviews
David K.
Dec, 2024
Heather R.
Jul, 2024
Elysia N.
Jan, 2024
Heather R.
Dec, 2023
Doug P.
Nov, 2023
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