Alex McDivitt

Alex McDivitt – Editor

I'm an adept Copy Editor, Book Editor, Copywriter and Writer with 12+ years editorial experience, including cookbooks and food titles.


I'm an adept Copy Editor, Book Editor, Copywriter and Writer with 12+ years editorial experience, including cookbooks and food titles with big name publishers. My main area of interest is food publishing, projects big and small – I can be there from the beginning of your unedited manuscript or later on if you're further along the production journey, or just dip in for some editing or fresh eyes.

I'm your gal for cookbook editing and proofreading (anything food related and I'm in!), copywriting (tech, property, food, you name it), magazine subbing and more. Work with me and you'll have my open ear for all the ways we can craft your product into the best it can be. I live by 'there's never a silly question' and you can expect me to do the same, asking all the things to make sure we create an amazing product, that's engaging for readers, easy to understand and correct, especially important in food publishing. My eagle eyes come in handy for that too!

Cooking, Food, Wine, & Spirits
English (AUS) English (UK) English (US)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Communication) – University of Technology Sydney
  • Journalism Cadetship – News Corp

Work experience


Aug, 2023 — Present

One day I'll be beavering away on a cookbook copy edit and nutting out recipe queries with the developer. The next day it’s copywriting for a marketing agency, writing magazine advertorials (big and small) or subbing. Clients include Hardie Grant, Murdoch Books, HarperCollins, Oriana Press, Brains Design, Six Black Pens, Kitchen Warehouse, Stream Creative, Are Media and Medium Rare.

News Corp

Feb, 2019 — Aug, 2023 (over 4 years)

On a typical day you'd find me working with the senior leadership team to generate engaging and delicious story ideas, cracking the whip to keep the team on track to meet tight and demanding deadlines, and collaborating with internal and external stakeholders to bring together all the moving parts of a magazine or cookbook to ensure the issue is put to bed in a timely manner and to the highest standard.

McHugh Media

Aug, 2017 — Apr, 2018 (9 months)

While the deadlines came thick and fast at MiNDFOOD, I consistently and successfully met those dates for the monthly magazine – which had both Australian and New Zealand editions (200+ pages each) – as well as the biannual magazines MiNDFOOD DÉCOR and MiNDFOOD STYLE (200+ pages). These mags were often due to the printers at the same time.

Pacific Magazines

Nov, 2015 — Jul, 2017 (over 1 year)

At one of Australia's most widely read paid consumer magazines, I scrutinised every piece of content – whether it was DIY instructions, beauty tips or gardening advice – with the reader first and foremost.

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