When I take on a project I consider my task to involve not only developmental editing, including advice on illustrative elements, but copyediting (UK or US English) to ensure the best chance of successful publication. These days publishing houses may or may not provide serious editorial capability; my own approach is to treat manuscripts as if I were developing them in-house, ensuring their respectful reception from fellow professionals and readers. During the process I look forward to engaging with the author for whatever is necessary to mold the project into its optimum shape.
Work experience
Casemate Publishers
Acquired and developed manuscripts for this Philadelphia-based military history publisher. Duties included hands-on edit of some projects and design and marketing guidance for all of them.
Sarpedon Publishers
Founded and ran a New York City-based military history publishing company, taking part in every aspect of marketing and book production.
Steven has 10 reviews
S J F.
Aug, 2024
Roderick S.
Feb, 2024
James A.
Dec, 2023
Kimberly K.
Oct, 2023
Lynne A.
Sep, 2023
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