When it comes to editing and writing for my clients, one of my favorite experiences is the collaboration work as I help my clients develop and foster the vision they have for their books and other writing projects. The genres I specialize in are women's fiction and romance, but I have also worked on fiction, mysteries, suspense thrillers, memoirs, and general non-fiction. I am also a published author of six women's fiction novels, one of which was an e-book New York Times bestseller and a print USA Today bestseller.
As an author, I understand the challenges that writers encounter with maintaining even story flow, building character development, adding a sense of intrigue and suspense so that readers will continue turning the pages, and ensuring that facts and details are consistent throughout the book. I can help you every step of the way. Furthermore, if you would like help with your online retailer book descriptions or book jacket copy, I have extensive experience in writing creative, fun, eye-catching copy that will immediately hook readers and make them want to buy your book.
Here's a little of what you can expect working with me. With developmental editing, I will first give your manuscript a thorough read. I will then go through your manuscript, and in comment bubbles, I will suggest areas where you can make developmental edits that will improve your storyline, character development, plot development, narrative voice, and any other recommendation that will make your book stronger. Once I'm done, I will also provide an editorial letter that gives my overall assessment of the book, outlining the strengths and weaknesses and summarizing what I believe is necessary in revising the book. With copyediting, I will correct grammar, punctuation, and typos in addition to pointing out details that do not make logistical sense or details that are inconsistent. I will also improve the writing syntax so that your sentences read strongly and cohesively. Lastly, if you would like me to write your jacket copy or online book retailer description, I can provide one draft of copy and, if necessary, one rewrite/round of revisions. Throughout the process, I encourage you to ask any questions or talk to me about any concerns you might have.
I hope you will join me on the exciting journey of taking your writing to the next level!
Work experience
Reedsy, Hachette Books, Harlequin Books, Harper Collins Publishers, Kensington Publishing, Kirkus Editorial, Penguin Random House, St. Martin's Press, Simon & Schuster

Rosanna has 36 reviews

Rebecca H.
Jan, 2023

Susan D.
Aug, 2022

Janis S.
Jul, 2022

Andree J.
Jul, 2022

Les W.
Jun, 2022
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