Rosalba Putrino

Rosalba Putrino – Editor

Skilled meticulous book indexer with several years of experience. My main topics are in the Humanities and Social science.


I am a book indexer since 2014, Accredited Indexer (MSocInd) by the Society of Indexers (UK)Member of the Society of Indexers (UK) and of NIN (Netherlands Indexers Network). I have an MA in Linguistics, I speak and read fluent Italian (native) and English. My main topics are in the Humanities (Language, Literature, History), Social science and Economics. Travel, art in general, gardening, photography, cooking and all what belongs to veganism and ethics is my lifestyle and therefore part of my indexing ability.
Several years of experience working with Oxford University Press and Routledge
Cooking, Food, Wine, & Spirits Education & Reference Health & Wellbeing Home & Garden Humanities & Social Sciences Nature Religion & Spirituality Travel
English (UK) English (US)
  • Accredited Indexer (MSocInd)

Work experience


Jan, 2014 — Present

I am a book indexer since 2014, Accredited Indexer (MSocInd) by the Society of Indexers (UK)Member of the Society of Indexers (UK) and of NIN (Netherlands Indexers Network). I have an MA in Linguistics, I speak and read fluent Italian (native) and English. My main topics are in the Humanities (Language, Literature, History), Social science and Economics. Travel, art in general, gardening, photography, cooking and all what belongs to veganism and ethics is my lifestyle and therefore part of my indexing ability.

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