I have also published two novels of my own, most recently in 2020, and numerous short stories as well as poems, scholarly articles and book reviews. An audio podcast of one of my stories is available on YouTube. Another story is anthologized in The Penguin Book of First World War Stories (Penguin Classics).
- BA, PhD
Work experience
Freelance writer-editor working on a variety of projects: fiction, non-fiction, reference.
HarperCollins Publishers
Editor/senior editor/managing editor working on a range of bilingual dictionary titles. During this time I also published a novel (The Empire of Lights, Hamish Hamilton, 1990) and numerous short stories in magazines, literary journals and anthologies, including the Spectator, the Literary Review, London Magazine, Best Short Stories 1989, Best Short Stories 1990, The Best of Best Short Stories, The Time Out Book of London Short Stories, Sixteen Modern Short Stories, The Penguin Book of First World War Stories etc.
Dept of American Studies, University of Keele, UK
PhD on Vladimir Nabokov -- 'Other States of Being: Nabokov's Two-World Metaphysic' -- awarded in 1987. Numerous scholarly articles on Nabokov's fiction published in academic journals and books, including A Small Alpine Form: Studies in Nabokov's Short Fiction, Russian Literature Triquarterly, English Language Notes, Essays in Poetics, The Nabokovian. Following the award of my PhD, I worked as a part-time lecturer on American Literature in the Department of American Studies at the University of Keele.
The British Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
During this time I also learned to speak passable Swedish and spent a year in the US (New York and Berkeley, CA), where I translated a number of academic articles and a doctoral dissertation (Children's Outdoor Environment, Pia Bjorklid) from Swedish to English.
Word & Action: Community theatre and writing service, Weymouth, UK
University of Keele, UK
Robert has 16 reviews

Morty S.
Jan, 2024
Andrew S.
Dec, 2022
Tua L.
Aug, 2022
Amanda J B.
Jul, 2022

Andrew F.
Jun, 2022
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