I bring over a decade of publishing industry experience to every edit. While I'm best known for editing children's books (picture books, middle grade, young adult), I work in all fiction categories and genres, as well as memoir. My approach is extremely comprehensive, with a deep focus on character, voice, plot, and other elements of the writing craft. My specialty is interiority, or rendering a character's perspective on the page. I believe this is a very powerful way to hook readers into your story. I also bring my background as a literary agent to the table. Query feedback and market analysis of your project are included with every edit. Many publishers look for "literary quality with commercial appeal," and that's exactly my "both barrels" approach to your project. Together, we will hone your manuscript's craft elements to their fullest creative expression, and then engineer your premise to give you the strongest chance at success, whatever your goal might be. I can't wait to learn about your work!
- MFA in Creative Writing
Work experience
Running a full service editorial company with thousands of clients.
Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Working at one of the most prominent children's book agencies in the United States, representing children's authors and illustrators in all categories and genres.

Mary has 4 reviews

S.D. G.
Feb, 2023

Micheal K.
Mar, 2022

Crystal B.
May, 2020

Robbyn P.
Feb, 2020