Kate Juniper

Kate Juniper – Editor

Intersectionally feminist editor and trauma-trained somatic book coach empowering women+ authors from blank page to pitch-ready manuscript.


*Presently offering Manuscript Assessments and Book Coaching for women writers who have written or want to write the novel, memoir, or psychology-based/ personal growth nonfiction book of their dreams!*

I'm an intersectionally feminist, trauma-trained book coach and editor supporting ambitious female-identifying writers to write, develop, and pitch the book that's alive inside of them — whether memoir, fiction, nonfiction, or some hybrid.

• In my 5 years as a book coach I've supported 20+ authors to write their novels, memoirs, poetry, and nonfiction books from scratch in 3–6 months — with a 100% completion rate to date!

• In my 12 years as an editor I've edited thousands of manuscripts for private clients and traditional publishers including Routledge Press, Doubleday Books, and House of Anansi Press.

• As a creative coach and educator I've worked with 100+ women writers through group and 1:1 programs and online courses to hone their craft, and secure literary agents, book deals, and multiple high-level industry offers.

Let's create magic and medicine together.


"I wanted to share a little of my own news — in January I finished revisions on my novel and started querying! In mid-April, I received an offer of representation, and nudged the other agents — I ended up receiving 6 offers of representation (!!!!) and in early May, I signed with ***! I feel so deeply, deeply grateful for every step of this process, and for how much "becoming a writer who can finish books" was also a process of learning to be kind and good to myself. <3" — Portia C.

"Working with Kate was a gentle and smooth experience. I felt she really understood me and guided my work in the direction it craved instead of somewhere off the map. I can't wait to work with her further, she is very passionate and inspiring." —Amy Mattes, author of Late September (2024)

“Kate is magic. She will help elevate you and your craft through a creative process that will challenge and support you at the same time. I hope we continue to have reasons to work together. It's been such a pleasure.” —Alana Best, author of Around the World in Black & White (2023)

"Writing my book with Kate was a healing experience for me. She built up my confidence and her attention to my manuscript far exceeded my expectations. I didn't know editors could care so much about what you wrote! My memoir is outstanding and it embodies me. I couldn't have done that without Kate." —DW McKinney

"Kate has been frighteningly good at zoning in on what I'm trying to express and then sharing tips and insights to help my writing serve my ideas . . . I would absolutely recommend her. She's essentially a midwife, but for your stories." —Malaika Aleba

"Kate is a supremely gifted editor as well as a wonderful, supportive, and motivating person to work with... She has a razor-sharp sense of how to make language work." —Bethany Hughes, Columbia University MFA

Biographies & Memoirs Buddhism Psychology Self-Help & Self-Improvement
Cultural & Ethnic LGBTQ Fiction Literary Fiction Women's Fiction
English (CAN) English (UK) English (US)
  • Master's Degree Fellowship in English Literature
  • Copy Editing
  • Substantive Editing
  • Somatic Coaching
  • MindBody Coaching
  • Trauma Healing w Dr. Peter Levine
  • Healing Ancestral Trauma

Work experience


Apr, 2020 — Present

Perform proofreading and copy editing.


May, 2016 — Present

My greatest passion is helping people translate those immaterial entities we call thoughts and feelings into the kind of words that strike a reader somewhere real.

I am the founder of a boutique, all-female company of editors and writers from across Canada presently based in Montreal, Quebec.

We work with driven female-identifying writers and authors to define and achieve their unique vision in words.

Personally, I'm most alive professionally when helping authors realize and refine their creative visions. I've worked and studied on three continents and accrued a first-class BA Hons in English literature from Swansea University in Wales, UK; an MA in English literature from the University of Victoria in BC, Canada; and a Copy Editing accreditation from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I have been an editor in one way or another for seven years, before which I was Head of English at an international high school in Abu Dhabi.

I am a proud and active member of the Editor's Association of Canada, and work with traditional and self-publishing houses as well as independent authors, entrepreneurs, and activists to shape and master their message.


Nov, 2018 — Present

Perform substantive, stylistic, and copy editing.


Jul, 2017 — Sep, 2018 (about 1 year)

Performed developmental, substantive, and copy edits to manuscripts, primarily region-specific history books that required a high level of attention to detail, accuracy, and consistency.


Mar, 2015 — Sep, 2016 (over 1 year)

Managed team of over seventy international freelance editors to ensure high level of editorial excellence at all times. Acted as in-house editor for web content, marketing copy, large-scale client-facing correspondence and company guides and catalogues.


Oct, 2014 — Mar, 2015 (5 months)

Copy edited hundreds of entries for the Routledge Online Encyclopedia of Modernism.


Late September

Amy Mattes

Harbour Publishing

Late September is an intimate queer coming-of-age tale exploring the nuances of love, trauma and mental health. A compelling literary fiction pick for readers of Heather O’Neill and Zoe Whitta... read more
Developmental Editing Copy Editing Editorial Assessment Query Letter Review
Developmental Editing Copy Editing Editorial Assessment Proofreading Query Letter Review Book Coaching
No Stars in the Sky

Bátiz, Martha

When Alana and Roland, a spirited Canadian couple with an insatiable desire to live life to the fullest, embark on an epic yearlong travel adventure around the world with their newborn son and... read more
Developmental Editing Copy Editing Editorial Assessment Query Letter Review
The Lost Sister

Andrea Gunraj


Hemming, Deborah

Copy Editing
“Don’t waste your conflict.”Grateful for the Fight goes beyond resolving conflict to using conflict to transform lives. Neufeld cautions that the urgency in today’s society to resolve conflict... read more
Copy Editing
White Resin

Wilhelmy, Audrée

The Crooked Knife

Morrison, Jan

Developmental Editing Copy Editing Editorial Assessment Query Letter Review
The History of Rain

Malone, Stephens Gerard

Developmental Editing Copy Editing
Lay Figures

Blagrave, Mark

Copy Editing
The Codfish Dream

David Giblin

A colourful portrait of life in an eccentric fishing village on the BC coast.After spending fifteen years as a fishing guide on the BC coast, David Giblin decided that the offbeat people and p... read more
Copy Editing
Although refugees have been pushed into the spotlight over the past few years, particularly as a result of the Syrian crisis, they are never far from public consciousness or policy debates. Ba... read more
Copy Editing
"My nurse hands once did more useful things. They immunized the fat, healthy thighs of infants, they carefully measured cardiac drugs to administer to young heart patients, they bathed both th... read more
Developmental Editing Copy Editing Editorial Assessment
Being Bertha

Fran Genereux

The Ekelund family moved to Canada in 1903 and settled in what is now Southern Alberta when Bertha, their sixth child was only five years old. Growing up in a family that was torn apart by the... read more
Copy Editing
Color Up

Karen A. Foss

Today’s world is stuck in black-and-white thinking that limits creative possibilities. We all need fresh ways to move forward beyond constraints that insist on only two possibilities—one right... read more
Developmental Editing Editorial Assessment
A Mill Behind Every Stump

Marianne Van Osch

The story of one family's settlement in the Cariboo and the culture of early sawmills that developed around them.In 1922, the Judson family arrived in the Cariboo by covered wagon. The stories... read more

Susan Raby-Dunne

The never-before-published memoir of Major-General Sir Edward Morrison, a true Canadian hero of the First World War.The First World War marked a turning point in Canadian history and in Canada... read more
Copy Editing
This book has approximately forty thousand words in it. These words are separated into dozens and dozens of short stories, vignettes, and poems. These dozens and dozens of short stories, vigne... read more
Copy Editing

Kate has 6 reviews





Lie L.

Lie L.

Aug, 2019

I am so grateful for Kate’s attention to my novel. She has done what a truly great editor does: point out what is working well and encourage me to look at what isn’t from a new angle. Her insight is broad and her generosity such a kindness in the solitary experience of writing. She provided concrete suggestions for revision, as well as a keen sense for the magic of words. I look forward to ...
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Kate J.
Thank you, Lie. It's been such a pleasure. —K.
Verde A.

Verde A.

Jun, 2019

(It gives me great pleasure to write this review for Kate! I was so nervous and unsure of what to expect and what I would ultimately get from randomly picking an editor. I feel tremendously blessed, and that also our connection was meant to be. The universe and my ancestors ROCK!) My experience with Kate was an amazing one. With this being my first time seeking out and using an editor, I’m so ...
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Kate J.
Thank you for these wonderful words, Sharae! It's been such a pleasure to work with you and your stories. Long may our collaboration continue, Future Published Indie Author Verde Arzu!
Julie C.

Julie C.

Apr, 2024

Kate was fantastic at helping me get unstuck from the middle of my writing, when I wasn't sure if what I was writing was making any sense to anyone but me. Her feedback was so helpful - encouraging while being genuinely helpful. I would work with her again in a heartbeat.
Kate J.
It was such a pleasure to work with you, Julie! Till next time! —K.
Kate S.

Kate S.

Apr, 2020

I was at a stand still with my manuscript and could not have progressed any further without Kate's help. She was very thorough and communicative. She has been a pleasure to work with!
Kate J.
Thanks Kate! Looking forward to the next stage!
Shama J.

Shama J.

Jul, 2019

Kate was able to help me navigate through a rather monstrous manuscript with her assessment and develop a path for the next steps through an condensed outline and plan. I highly recommend her expertise for planning and coaching!
Kate J.
Such a pleasure to work with you on your project, Shama!

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