Questions? I ask questions—boy, do I ever! If something you're written doesn’t quite make sense, if a statement or statistic doesn’t ring true, I'll research it or post a query to you to confirm its accuracy. In this day of instant information retrieval when facts can be easily checked by virtually anyone in a matter of seconds, it’s more important than ever to be accurate. However, my sometimes-pesky questions aren’t limited simply to facts. I also ask about the efficacy of certain elements of your writing that may or may not create the results you wanted. Words are great tools when used properly, and running interference in questioning an author’s intentions when needed is a vital responsibility of any copy editor.
Without a doubt, I’m what you would call a “reader’s advocate.” When working on a manuscript, I’m constantly ruminating on how the reader will perceive your words. If you fail to clarify a term, statement, or opinion that will leave questions in the reader’s mind and create confusion, I’ll work on that with you to assure that those items are made clear. Additionally, I constantly focus on assuring that your wording is smooth and uninterrupted by confusing elements. A reader should not have to back up and reread a passage to determine what you were really trying to say. Sometimes exhausting but, of course, ultimately rewarding--these are just a few of the multitude of items I focus on in making your manuscript shine!
Work experience
Certa Publishing
Copy editing a variety of manuscripts, conforming them to proper style. Providing questions regarding various concerns or needed changes.
Dust Jacket Press
Copy editing book manuscripts from a variety of authors. Communicating with authors regarding various corrections and other modifications. Checking page proofs at least twice (often many more times) and assuring that all final changes have been made, along with examining the proofs for any last changes needed.
Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City
Provided copy editing services for a wide variety of Christian books. Checked page proofs. Worked with authors to clarify any problem areas. Submitted applications for Cataloging-in-Publication data. Guided authors in securing permission for use of copyrighted material when needed. Wrote back-cover copy and some promotional material as requested.
Jonathan has 51 reviews

J K F.
Mar, 2025

Steve C.
Feb, 2025

Sam D.
Jan, 2025

Carly W.
Jan, 2025

Jon C.
Jan, 2025
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