Jasmin Naim

Jasmin Naim – Editor

First rate and insightful editor, strategist and proofreader for non fiction, driven by perfecting content without losing its essence.


I am a versatile and insightful editor, strategist and proof reader for a broad range of non fiction content based on my prior work with leading authors at top publishing houses. My starting point is always to build an understanding of, and rapport with, the author, placing their vision at the heart of the work I do with them to develop an idea into a coherent body of writing.
Business & Management Economics Finance & Accounting Law New Age Psychology Sports & Outdoors
English (UK)

Work experience

Kogan Page

Aug, 2014 — Jul, 2015 (11 months)

Working with leading authors in marketing, PR, advertising and sales to realise their ideas for writing projects and hone them to address market need for a mixed audience of business practitioners and students, as well as the general reader.

Thomson Reuters

Oct, 2012 — Aug, 2014 (almost 2 years)

Commissioning and designing strategy for legal professional materials and their conversion to digital format, as well as managing a team of publishing editors for success across the portfolio.

Hodder Education (Hachette)

Nov, 2009 — Oct, 2012 (almost 3 years)

Managed a team of Commissioning Editors and Desk Editors to deliver high calibre HE textbooks (both print and e-book) tailored for the needs of students and lecturers across a range of HE subjects, including psychology, sport, geography, law, business and linguistics.

Palgrave Macmillan

Jul, 2007 — May, 2009 (almost 2 years)

Commissioned a range of legal textbooks to bring innovative new educational techniques into the portfolio.

CIPD Publishing

Sep, 2006 — Jun, 2007 (9 months)

Refreshed the content of a portfolio of subscription products to bring them into line with current practice and digital formats.

Sweet & Maxwell (Thomson Reuters)

May, 2005 — Sep, 2006 (over 1 year)

Worked at the highest level commissioning professional legal books, journals and subscription products on banking, finance and insurance law and compliance.

Oxford University Press

Jan, 2004 — Apr, 2005 (about 1 year)

Commissioning and management of a large and commercially successful portfolio of student textbooks.


Editorial Assessment Book Coaching
Copy Editing
For those approaching medical law and ethics for the first time, Unlocking Medical Law and Ethics ensures that the student grasps the main concepts with ease, providing an indispensable founda... read more
Developmental Editing
Richard Gross turns his expert eye to the psychology of human nature in a contemplative account encompassing cognition, consciousness, language, time perception, sense of mortality and human society. This book will help you to consider the unique aspects of be... read more
Sport and Exercise Science: An Introduction provides a broad-based foundation in the major areas that underpin the scientific study of sport and exercise science, thus helping undergraduate students to develop a sound understanding of human anatomy, physiology... read more
Revealing the hidden processes behind why certain brands command our loyalty and trust, Brand Psychology looks at how to build up a positive brand image through Corporate Social Responsibility... read more
Developmental Editing Copy Editing Book Coaching
With a constant stream of new communication channels emerging, the real challenge for marketers is not just making sure their brand is present in each space but staying true to their brand purpose. A follow-up to Bold, the best-selling book which looked at wha... read more
Evelyn Brodie worked as an economist in government and the City, then as a live television journalist, Head of Financial Communications and strategic communications consultant, until undeniable experiences forced her to change her belief system. 'I had unconsc... read more
A practical guide to preparing for, conducting, and evaluating the success of media interviews, this book is based on communications expert Robert Taylor's eight-step methodology for polished and confident interview delivery across a range of platforms--TV, ra... read more
Is there a theory that explains the essence of consciousness? Or is consciousness itself just an illusion? The 'last great mystery of science', consciousness is a topic that was banned from serious research for most of the last century, but is now an area of i... read more
Gross's book has been described as the trailblazer in the psychology textbook revolution and the psychology student's bible. It has established itself as the benchmark introductory psychology textbook. Its 50 chapters cover every conceivable topic, from substa... read more
In a recent survey, 71 percent of executives polled said their company was concerned about the possible risks posed by social media, but 59 percent do not perform a social media risk assessment.This book is a comprehensive, practical guide to the components an... read more
An engaging introduction to the more advanced writings on criminal law, designed to provide the additional insights necessary to excel in the study of the subject.
This best selling text provides a clear and straightforward account of the basic rules of English contract law. "Contract Law" introduces the current debates about the nature, scope and functions of the law and discusses the wider controversies which surround ... read more
Over the past four decades, a series of groundbreaking PR campaigns have helped shape popular culture and influence public opinion. With a foreword from WPP CEO Martin Sorrell, Campaigns that Shook the World provides the inside story on 9 of these pivotal camp... read more

Jasmin has 12 reviews





Eddie T.

Eddie T.

Nov, 2024

Jasmin was super responsible and helpful in the proofreading process of my book. Thanks to her insights, the book's quality and presentation have improved greatly.
Jasmin N.
I have loved supporting this project, and Eddie was a delight to work with from start to finish. This book is considered and well researched, and I wish Eddie every success with it.
Ashish G.

Ashish G.

Oct, 2024

I was so glad to have involved Jasmin on my project ... her knowledge of finance, money and business was extremely valuable when the initial scoping was discussed. She jumped on the actual review with the right frame of mind, you know that when you come across the type of questions asked ... Her in-depth and detailed work identified issues that were missed previously. In fact she was proactive ...
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Jasmin N.
It was really enjoyable working with Ash because he’s a lovely person and has loads of creativity as well as subject matter knowledge. I would definitely recommend.
Peter E.

Peter E.

Jul, 2024

Jasmin's work on my book was thorough, diligent, and beyond my expectations. By far the best editor I have had. She was also very gentle and encouraging when dealing with my project.
Paul J.

Paul J.

Aug, 2021

A joy to work with. This was my first non-fiction book, so the whole process has been a learning experience. Jasmin provided great knowledge and support as I battled my way to the end. It's good to work with a freelancer that cares as much about your book as you do! Would 100% recommend.
Jasmin N.
Paul has been a joy to work with from start to finish, and I have learned so much about his area of expertise. Ever courteous, compassionate and good humoured, I wouldn’t hesitate to collaborate wi...
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Ben R.

Ben R.

Oct, 2020

Jasmin is an absolute delight to work with, and I recommend her to any author. Her skills are exceptional, she challenged me, sense checked with me and ultimately helped me turn my self-edited manuscript into a book I'm proud of that is best-seller material. From the very beginning of our engagement until the end and thereafter she gave me the absolute confidence she was the right person for ...
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