After graduating from university, I opted to forgo the normal route of getting a job and joined the U.S. Navy were I went to flight school and was assigned to the EA-6B “Prowler” - the navy’s carrier based electronic attack aircraft. After flying in Desert Storm and other "adventures" throughout the world, I resigned from active duty to become a Special Agent for the FBI, where I became a founding member of the Joint Counter Terrorism Task Force in Norfolk, Virginia. Needless to say, after 9/11, I was gainfully employed. In 2007, I was recalled to active duty to establish the international outreach office for the Office of Global Maritime Situational Awareness, coordinating information-sharing among Federal agencies, foreign governments, and the international shipping industry to increase maritime safety and security.
I have taught courses in terrorism and national security, as well as "enrichment speeches" on cruise ships. In this capacity, I have lectured throughout Asia, Europe and the Caribbean on topics that range from military history, the rise of the Vikings in Scandinavia, "Pirates of the Caribbean," and the culture and cuisine of individuals nations.
Recently, I just completed the "Race of Your Life" from Clipper Race Around the World...finally! We started in 2019, and by 2020 we were making our way to China when the COVID Pandemic started. Diverting to the Philippines we had to suspend our race while COVID ran its course. Ironically, the Philippines was the same country where Magellan died in his circumnavigation around the world five hundred years ago. Our race finally re-started in 2022 and completed in August of 2022. Now I am back from a journey that lasted 1062 days, and ready to edit again.
Feel free to contact me to discuss your needs.
Work experience
Since joining Reedsy, I have provided copy editing, developmental editing and editorial assessment for projects ranging from military history, national security, action and adventure, as well as espionage genres.
Title: Soft Targets
Author: Jude Raspino
Genre: Action/Adventure, Espionage
Title: Jerusalem Gambit
Author: Jak Levi
Genre: Military and Espionage
Title: Deathbed patriots, Last Full Measure of Devotion
Author: Thomas Paine
Genre: Action/Adventure
Title: The Builder
Author: Nawzad Othman
Genre: Espionage
Title: Mind Games: A Sasha Silver Story
Author: Lisa Boyle
Genre: Romance, Adventure
Title: Blood Revenge
Author: Carmen Cady
Genre: Crime
Title: The Thirteen Year Old Sailor
Author: Cherie Smith
Genre: Military History
Lynne Rienner Publishing
Reviewed and edited university text book:
When Religion Kills - How Terrorists Justify Violence Through Faith
Rutledge, Taylor and Francis Publishing
Reviewed and edited university textbooks:
No One is Born a Terrorist
Countering Radicalization
Rehabilitation: A Game Changer in Fighting Terrorism
Georgetown University
Developed curriculum for MPAI-760: Unconventional Threats and Counterterrorism
Oxford Publishing
Reviewed and edited university text book:
Intelligence: The Secret World of Spies
Jones and Bartlett Publishing
Reviewed and edited university text book:
Cognella Academic Publishing, 2013
Author/editor new university text book:
Theory and Politics of Terrorism
George Mason University, George Washington University
Instructed comprehensive course developed by author on theories and politics of terrorism. Innovative course covers causes of terrorism, history, motivations, and objectives. Class explores military, law enforcement and geopolitical concerns affecting U.S. national counter-terrorism policy.
James has 5 reviews

Thomas P.
Dec, 2021

Jude R.
Oct, 2021

Cherie S.
Aug, 2021

Bill S.
Jan, 2021

Carmen C.
Sep, 2020