Ivan Mesa

Ivan Mesa – Editor

📚 Editor with over a decade of experience. I specialize in Christian nonfiction titles. My goal is to polish prose and help words sing. 📝


I have over a decade of editing experience and have worked professionally as an editor for various organizations, including The Gospel Coalition.

As an editor—whether in developmental, line, copyediting, or proofreading—my goal is to help each writer most effectively and accurately communicate to readers.

I specialize in theological nonfiction, academic, history, and Christian living books and am well-versed in style manuals (e.g., Chicago/Turabian, SBL, and CWMS). I have experience all the way from acquiring books for publication to giving books final proofread in typeset manuscripts.

Some titles I’ve worked on include:

• Rebecca McLaughlin, ‘The Secular Creed: Engaging Five Contemporary Claims’ (The Gospel Coalition)

• Albert Mohler, ‘The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership That Matters’ (Bethany)

• Wayne Grudem, ‘Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning’ (Crossway)

Biographies & Memoirs Christian Non-Fiction History Inspirational Philosophy Self-Help & Self-Improvement Sociology Writing & Publishing
English (US)

Work experience

The Gospel Coalition

May, 2014 — Present

Oversee all-things-content with books, including working with authors, copyeditors, and typesetters.

International Mission Board

Feb, 2017 — Sep, 2019 (over 2 years)

B&H Academic

Sep, 2015 — Feb, 2017 (over 1 year)

Mesa Editorial

Jan, 2010 — Present


The days of cultural Christianity are fading. It's time to rethink normal. Suffering and exclusion are normal in a believer's life. At least they should be. This was certainly Jesus's experience. And it's the experience of countless Christians around the world... read more
Social Sanity in an Insta World

Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra

There are many paths to lose your way. And only one way to find it. So said Jesus of Nazareth, the most compelling and controversial teacher of all time. This book aims to make sense of his counterintuitive claim: Unless we lose our lives for his sake, we will... read more
Probably no book published in the last decade has been so ambitious as Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age. He seeks nothing less than to account for the spread of secularism and decline of faith in the last 500 years. Now a remarkable roster of writers—including C... read more
No man will get anywhere in life without discipline--and growth in godliness is no exception. Seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes's inspiring and best-selling book Disciplines of a Godly Man--now updated with fresh references and suggested resources--is filled with... read more
Best-selling author Wayne Grudem explains in 42 thorough chapters what the Bible says about ethical questions regarding marriage, government, abortion, and dozens of other issues in this highly practical, biblically based volume on Christian ethics.
This accessible overview of biblical theology traces the development of sixteen key themes from Genesis to Revelation, showing how each theme contributes to the one main storyline of Scripture.
Leadership Principles from a Renowned Agent of ChangeCultures and organizations do not change without strong leadership. While many leadership books focus on management oradministration, the central focus of The Conviction to Lead is on changing minds.Dr. Mohl... read more

Ivan has 8 reviews





Corey A.

Corey A.

Dec, 2024

Ivan was prompt and professional in all our interactions. His edits and suggestions were easy to follow and substantive. Given the opportunity, I'd definitely work with Ivan again.
Maury M.

Maury M.

Aug, 2023

Trusted and thorough! Ivan is a pleasure to work with.
Maury M.

Maury M.

Aug, 2023

Ivan continues to be a pleasure to work with! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Maury M.

Maury M.

Aug, 2023

We had another great experience with Ivan on this most recent round of edits.
Maury M.

Maury M.

Jul, 2023

Working with Ivan was a wonderful experience. This project was a combination of general text and over 200 definitions. I felt Ivan gave attention to every element, and his input was spot on, valuable, and made the overall work much better. He also gave me several points to think about and was always quick to reply to any questions. I appreciated that we were on the same page theologically, ma...
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