My editorial experience embraces time with major British SF imprints Orbit and Gollancz – where I was responsible for launching the SF Gateway classic ebook programme and the third edition of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Books I’ve edited have won or been shortlisted for the Aurealis, Ditmar, BSFA, Philip K. Dick, Hugo and Arthur C. Clarke Awards.
I specialise in fine-tuning your story. Whether it’s developing the broader plotting, worldbuilding and character architecture at the planning stage or a “big picture” assessment of your final manuscript, my focus is on making your work the best it can be. I’ll look at the creative elements of your story – plot, pace, voice, story arcs, point-of-view, style, internal logic, consistency, themes, characters, dialogue – and ensure they’re all pulling their weight.
I’ll look at your major story arcs as well as the secondary concerns such as whether the characters’ timelines match or if the solution to your mystery is plausible. Is the pacing right or does the narrative sag in the middle? My developmental edit will address these elements and more in order to make the story as coherent and believable as possible.
Can I guarantee to get you published or taken on by an agent? Nope. And I’d venture a guess that anyone telling you they *can* guarantee those things also has a side hustle selling beachfront real estate in the Sahara. But what I can do is to make sure that your plot makes sense, your characters are consistent, your narrative structure is sound and your manuscript is free of the types of common errors that often derail a submission. After that, you’re at the mercy of market forces and editors’/agents’ personal preferences.
‘The best editors are those who get what you’re trying to do in a story and challenge you when you’re not doing it. Also, they inculcate habits that make you better as a writer. Darren exemplified both these traits. Working with him was a pleasure, and an education. Experience both before and since has taught me that this is far from being a given.’ ~ M. R. Carey, bestselling author of The Girl With All the Gifts
‘To see a story from every side and understand that there are a thousand ways of telling it ... this is the editor’s art and Darren has it in spades.’ ~ Claire North, World Fantasy Award-winning author of The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
‘Darren is a great editor to work with. He knows the field, he knows editing at every level, and he gets to know you as a writer. He can coax a good idea out of a conversation and thin air and (if you're very lucky) a Belgian beer. Then he'll go on to make sure you give the idea your best shot. That's the tricky bit, and there he shines.’ ~ Ken MacLeod, BSFA Award-winning author of Learning the World
Work experience
I provide freelance editorial services to writers looking to improve their work prior to self-publishing or submitting to agents or publishers. My services include developmental, structural and line editing, and manuscript assessments.
Victor Gollancz
As Digital Publisher for Gollancz I launched and ran the SF Gateway eBook initiative, returning thousands of out-of-print classic books to availability. I was also editor of the SF Masterworks list of classic SF novels, and developed digital activity for the wider Gollancz list.
In addition to my Classic SF and Digital duties, I was editor for Gollancz's Terry Pratchett publishing, liaising with Sir Terry's team and, later, estate on the publication of Gollancz's regular Discworld diaries and calendars, as well as the Discworld Colouring Book and Terry Pratchett's Discworld Imaginarium.
As Editorial director for Orbit, the market-leading imprint over much of the 2000’s, my responsibilities included managing three editorial staff and overseeing Orbit’s UK publishing, including such major authors as Kevin J. Anderson, Terry Brooks, Jim Butcher, Trudi Canavan, Robert Jordan and Brent Weeks. Authors I brought to the list include Daniel Abraham (one half of James S. A. Corey), M. R. Carey, Michael Cobley, Glenda Larke, Karen Miller and Simon Morden.