Cris Radu

Cris Radu – Designer

Award-winning illustrator with 10-year+ experience. Specialized in children's books illustration and book cover design.


Children's books a̶d̶d̶i̶c̶t̶ freelance illustrator. I have a background in visual arts and use it in illustration to forge a rich visual world and give a story its best visual outcome.

I have illustrated over 20 picture books for the in-print Romanian market. Several of them have been selected in international competitions, and/or have won awards in national competitions.

I have also passionately drawn many book covers and have a strong interest in decorative pattern design.

Drawing has always been for me a way of translating and understanding the world. It became in time a precious communication tool and my favorite way of telling stories.

I am always experimenting new techniques; I like to “get my hands dirty” using anything from gouache to lino-cut or colored pencils, and use Photoshop to set the final composition right. I vary the style I use depending on the story I work on, to give it its best expression.

I love creating engaging illustrations​. Easy going and highly experienced, I will put all my experience to work to tell your story in a strong and unique way.

I am also fluent in French.

Literary Fiction Middle Grade Picture Books Poetry Short Story Social & Family Issues Women's Fiction
  • World Illustration Award 2019 - longlisted
  • World Illustration Award 2017 - shortlisted
  • Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2019 - nominated
  • White Raven Books Selection 2015, 2016, 2017
  • The Most Beautiful Romanian Children’s Book of the Year Prize 2013, 2014, 2016
  • The Best Romanian Children’s Book of the Year Award 2015

Work experience


Mar, 2009 — Present

I've been an avid free lance illustrator for more than ten years. I've illustrated and designed many literary fiction book covers and published more than 20 picture books and illustrated books.


Ela Cea Fara De Cuvinte (Romanian Edition)

Victoria Patrascu, Cristiana Radu

Deși destul de diferite între ele prin subiectele abordate și prin personajele cărora le dau viață, toate poveștile sunt, de fapt, fețe ale aceleiași monede; sau, pentru a folosi drept metaforă titlul uneia dintre ele, fațete ale aceluiași „cub al fericirii“. ... read more

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