I have edited magazine and book titles for Newsweek, Disney, DreamWorks, Jack Hanna, John Wayne Enterprises and Chicken Soup for the Soul. I fact-checked every single title, ranging from children's books for Disney to hard news magazine from Newsweek, which required a great attention to detail. My company was a licensee of Disney and DreamWorks, so I am used to working with many different brands and following specific style guides. I often worked on multiple projects a day, editing and fact-checking copy from a Get Crocked cookbook, a DreamWorks Trolls kids magazine and a Jack Hanna animal book.
On magazine projects for Newsweek, for example, I top-edit the entire 100-page issue. I determine what stories I want in the issue and then I write the majority of them up. I work with the photo and design departments to ensure that they appear in the magazine the way I'd like them to.
In my free time, I write stories for digital media sites. I've been published by Interview magazine, Brooklyn magazine, Mental Floss and Paste magazine.
I was an editor of the genre literary magazine Aliterate. I read through our slush pile alongside other editors. After we whittled the pile down from 500 submissions to 10 stories, I top-edited 2-3 of those stories. I helped develop the piece with the author and also edit for grammar.
Prior to working in magazines and digital media, I was a social media strategist for eight clients. I managed each client's social media accounts, ranging from Facebook to LinkedIn. I created ads in Photoshop and managed ad campaigns. I also sent materials out to bloggers.
- Parents' Choice Awards Recommended Award Winner
Work experience
Apartment Therapy Media
Paste Magazine
Established the Theatre vertical and determined the section’s voice, content and mission.
Nurtured industry connections to gain access to New York’s Broadway scene.
Evaluated freelancer pitches, edited stories and kept a monthly budget.
Wrote profiles, review shows and pen lists.
Inputted articles into Paste’s CMS and promoted them on social media.
Topix Media Lab
Topix is a publishing company that produces special-edition magazines and books for publishers such as Disney, Newsweek, DreamWorks and TV Guide.
Assistant Editor and Fact-Checker
September 2015-Present
Research, conduct interviews and write articles for each special issue publication.
Create single-topic magazines and books from idea conception to the final pages within one month.
Edit to fit, fact-check all copy and write photo captions.
Work with photo and design to shape the look of the magazine.
Modern Luxury
Beach is a magazine about the Hamptons that publishes six issues during the summer. Manhattan is a monthly that is published Sept.-May.
Researched, wrote and edited front-of-book pages, including Table of Contents, Masthead, Contributors, Agenda, Best in Class as well as back-of-book pages Icon Index and #HamptonsHumor
Found art for Style, Feast and Brood sections.
Wrote sidebars and news pages for the Style, Playbook and Feast sections as needed for Beach.

Alicia has 2 reviews

Pa L.
Oct, 2020

Joshua H.
Aug, 2020