Notable projects include books by Stephen Dixon, Barry Gifford, Norman Lock, Samantha Irby, Danez Smith, Stephen Graham Jones, and Megan Stielstra.
I've been fortunate to create work in a wide variety of genres, subjects, and styles, and aspire with each project to integrate bold ideas with concise concepts and intuitive visual appeal. I approach everything I take on with the understanding that each book is unique, with its own objectives and complexities, and aim to arrive at a design that is wholly relevant, evocative, and satisfies the needs of both author and publisher.
Work experience
Arcadia Press
Design literary journal and accompanying chapbooks, perform all related production work (page layout, art editing and management, mechanical prep), in addition to creating promotional materials and ads. Work closely with in-house editorial, help coordinate production needs. Commission and art direct outside illustrators and artists.
YesYes Books
Design book covers and interiors from concept to completion, perform all related production work (page layout, art editing and management, mechanical prep), in addition to creating promotional materials and ads. Work closely with in-house editorial and publicity, help coordinate production needs.
Curbside Splendor Publishing
Design book covers and interiors from concept to completion, perform all related production work (page layout, art editing and management, mechanical prep), in addition to creating promotional materials and ads. Work closely with in-house editorial and publicity, help coordinate production needs.
Design book covers and interiors for a diverse range of personal clients, and occasionally provide additional studio support for other design firms.
Trnsfr Magazine/Trnsfr Books
Self-initiated in 2009, Trnsfr began as a biannual literary journal and has since become an imprint of Curbside Splendor Publishing, releasing its first full-length title—Stephen Dixon's Late Stories—in 2016.
Edit and design all issues. Commission and art direct outside illustrators and artists.
Alban has 1 review
Meredith W.
Jun, 2018