Joshua Essoe

Joshua Essoe – Editor

Editor/Writer WIP: 5-book series on the most-common issues I see writers struggling with as a full-time editor with over a decade of XP.


Joshua is a full-time editor who has edited for NYT bestsellers including Piers Anthony, David Farland, and Dean Lorey. He has edited for USA Today bestsellers, Writers of the Future winners, and many, many independents. He was also lead editor at Urban Fantasy Magazine and founded the weekly writing podcast Hide and Create with Michael J. Sullivan, Diana Rowland, Jay Wells, and Debbie Viguie. He is currently writing a series of books about addressing the most common issues he sees as an editor.

"I had Joshua review my novel Nightingale as a final edit. His insights into audience analysis were very helpful. He caught plenty of dropped words and even a part of a dropped scene, but he went much further than that--looking for ways to enhance the story by adding scenes.

​ "Now, I've worked as an editor myself for some thirty years, and I've had some fifty novels edited at various firms like Bantam, Random House, Tor/St. Martins and Scholastic, but I don't recall ever having an editor who did such an in-depth and exhaustive job on editing. It wasn't over-reaching, either. It was just a darned-fine job.

​ "Not only do I give Josh my highest recommendation as an editor, I plan on using him again and again in the future."

-- David Farland, NYT bestselling author of Nightingale, The Runelords series, The Golden Queen, The Courtship of Princess Leia & many others.

"Joshua solicited a story from me for the Magic Makers anthology. ... I asked to see the proposed revisions, and was impressed. He had identified weaknesses and made suggestions to strengthen them. Since I do want to have my best work represented in print, I made the revisions. I am satisfied that Joshua has the best interests of each story at heart.

​ "I suspect that the anthology will have some remarkable stories, each the best that author and editor can craft. I am reminded of Fred Pohl's Star Science Fiction series, decades ago, notable for its quality because of just such an attitude."

-- Piers Anthony, NYT bestselling author of The Apprentice Adept, Bio of a Space Tyrant, Incarnations of Immortality, Xanth, & dozens of others.

"I was intimidated as hell when I set out to self-publish Fitness Confidential, but Josh's keen insights and editorial savvy helped make the process a breeze. Plus, he's nice. And he's quick. Just hire him, but only after he's finished editing my next book so I don't have to wait."

-- Dean Lorey, writer/producer Arrested Development, Those Who Can't, Fitness Confidential, & The Nightmare Academy series.

"Adequate writing becomes good, and good writing becomes great, when writers work with an editor who is solid in his craft, and trustworthy in his taste. Joshua is very high up on a very short list of editors who can make a writer's work truly shine."

-- James Artimus Owen, award-winning author/illustrator of Starchild, the Imaginarium Geographica series, Drawing Out the Dragons, & Mythworld.

Action & Adventure Epic Fantasy Horror Post-Apocalyptic Short Story Space Opera Urban Fantasy Young Adult Fantasy
English (UK) English (US)

Work experience


Nov, 2010 — Present

I will help you make your story the strongest it can be through developmental editing, detailed critiques, and mentoring.


Nov, 2010 — Present


Unwilling Souls

Gregory D. Little


Farland, David

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