Sherri Copeland

Sherri Copeland – Designer

I designed book covers for a large publisher and would love to do it again. My experience as a brand designer adds a unique perspective.


I am a brand designer and book cover designer. In branding I specialize in logos and visual identity systems and can bring this aesthetic to the covers I do. As a book cover designer I believe in beauty, simplicity and intelligent concepts.
Contemporary Fiction Historical Fiction Literary Fiction Science Fiction
Humanities & Social Sciences Math & Science New Age Religion & Spirituality

Work experience


Feb, 2023 — Present

I designed book covers for Viking (hardcover) and for Penguin (paperback) imprints, and sourced art and created covers for all Penguin Classics. I also collaborated on the redesign of Penguin Classics. My logo and branding experience along with my book cover experience can bring a unique and beautiful perspective that is right on strategy.

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