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10-day writing and publishing courses

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Showing 53 courses

How to Write a Query Letter That Agents Can't Resist

Learn to write a query letter that will get your manuscript requested by agents.

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Understanding Point of View

Learn how to master each of the major points of view. With the help of writing exercises, you'll hone your ability to write from every possible perspective.

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How to Write for Middle-Grade Readers

Learn how to write for middle-grade readers from Judy Goldschmidt, a YA and MG editor whose credits include numerous NYT best-sellers and prize-winners.

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Kobo Hacks for Optimizing Sales

Mark Leslie Lefebvre shares his exclusive insight into how to use Kobo to maximise your sales and your success.

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Story Editing for Authors

In this free 10-day course, best-selling author and CEO of Fictionary will take you through 17 story elements to help you perform your own story edit.

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How to Use Testing as a Self-Published Author

Digital marketing guru Kim Kohatsu teaches self-publishing authors all about using testing to improve their sales.

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How to Write YA That Sells

In this free 10-day course, YA author and editor Blair Thornburgh will take you through how to write YA that you can actually sell to a publisher.

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How to Write an Irresistible Romance

Romance editor Kate Studer presents this amazing course that will get you started on of the most popular genres in publishing.

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The Mechanics of Writing Dialogue

Editor Tracy Gold teaches you how to punctuate, tag and present dialogue in a way that your readers will thank you for.

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