Developmental Editor with Springer Nature (medical and science publishing giant) for 15 years and 150+ book titles. Liaison between publisher, editors and authors managing content, formatting and submission of manuscript and art. Most of the projects I manage are contributed volumes edited by industry leaders and involving many chapter authors.
As your developmental editor I will enable you to meet your publisher's requirements - project management, proofreading, copyediting, formatting, citations, permissions, preparation of art - whatever it takes to accomplish your goal.
...In previous editions I had two editorial assistants helping me. This time I had one doing the work of two. Connie W., Developmental Editor for Springer, did a fantastic job of dealing with all the surgeons, reading over the chapters and revisions, and making sure everything was just right. Thank you for your hard work and perseverance...
Lee J. Skandalakis, MD, FACS
Surgical Anatomy and Technique: A Pocket Manual, 5th edition
...Connie W., however, deserves particularly special gratitude, as the developmental editor. Her involvement, on a daily basis with advising, suggesting, and hand-holding, as this textbook went from the outline stage to the finished project, has been quintessential. Without her encouragement and patience, this textbook would never have been concluded...
Peter Bogach Greenspan, DO, FACOG, FACS
The Diagnosis and Management of the Acute Abdomen in Pregnancy
...We are also indebted to our editor at Springer, Connie W., who led us through the maze of book publishing with clarity and diplomacy...
Richard M. Schwend, MD
William L. Hennrikus, MD
Back Pain in the Young Child and Adolescent - A Case-Based Guide
...In addition, we would like to thank a number of individuals from Springer International Publishing AG: First and foremost, our Developmental Editor, Connie W., for her extraordinary editing skills and for so patiently pulling together all of the many facets of production in a timely fashion...
James A. Katowitz, MD, FACS
William R. Katowitz, MD
Pediatric Oculoplastic Surgery
Work experience
Medical and Science Publishing - project management of book titles for Springer Nature
Connie has 5 reviews

yousif A.
Aug, 2022

yousif A.
May, 2022

diana K.
Nov, 2021

Melanie B.
Jul, 2021

Bintou N.
May, 2021