Matt Scott

Matt Scott

Matt Scott

@mattscott6677 -  Author

Matt's books

Live on Discovery

Big Scoop of Something

What’s the most important thing to teach our children? Yup. You know. But there’s not a lot of help out there... That’s why I wrote this series... starting with “Big Scoop of Something.” It’s time we started teaching truths and capabilities again, earlier, and better!

The second book in the “Find Something Awesome! children’s book series on happiness, self-confidence, and success! What’s the most important thing to teach our children? Yup. You know. But there’s not a lot of help out there... That’s why I wrote this series... this is book 2. It’s ti...

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About me
My name is Matt Scott. I am a husband, father, and successful businessman who was looking for material to help me teach my children the capabilities they have for their own happiness and success. I found little, and of that, confusing messages. So I created it myself! I hope you find it useful
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