Matthew Woods

Matthew Woods

Matthew Woods

@matthewwoods -  Author

Matthew's books

Live on Discovery

Aether: Chapter 1

As seemingly demonic forces befall a private high school, Richard - an unassuming freshman, must band together with a group of outcast kids to stop the impending evil.

Live on Discovery

Aether: Chapter 2

Richard and Club Broadkeep investigate the home of their missing classmate, Timothy Chambers - but they aren't the only ones looking for him. Mysterious agents, bizarre dreams and the ever looming threat of expulsion hang over Richard in the exciting second chapter of AETHER!

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About me
I'm a writer based in NJ. I love horror and science fiction. I grew up watching what felt like an endless amount of movies, so I went to school for film making. I've been writing screenplays and short stories for years, and in 2016 I created/am the lead writer for the graphic novel series, AETHER.
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