Jason Rebello

Jason Rebello

Evolving ... One Word at a Time

Jason Rebello

@jasonrebello - Author

Jason Rebello

Jason Rebello

@jasonrebello - Author

Jason Rebello was born in Mumbai, India and went to sea at the early age of seventeen. His travel blog, The Evolving Backpacker, was born out of his ... more

Jason Rebello
Jason Rebello posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Hi fellow readers, The wait is over for me. After weeks and months of nervous anticipation, my book 'Red Earth Diaries' will be launched on Reedsy today (31st). The book was released worldwide on 08th July and I am so happy to announce that it hit Amazon No.1 Bestseller list in its first week of release in the Australian Travel category and some other categories as well. Being new to Reedsy, I am excited to see how this platform works and if readers on this platform would be interested in reading this book. I've been told by the powers that be that I must aim to get many 'upvotes', so without really knowing how it works, I ask you, the reader to please consider 'upvoting' this book. For a first time author-publisher, this would really mean a lot to me. Here is a brief synopsis of the storyline: In Red Earth Diaries we meet Jason and Ambika, a newlywed couple who migrated to Australia with the hope of a fresh start. However, unlike most migrants, they made a bold decision to postpone their settlement plans, throw caution to the wind and backpack in Australia on a shoestring budget. ' Their travel story is interwoven with snippets of history, and provides the reader with a glimpse of Australia as viewed through the eyes of newly arrived migrants. Join Jason and Ambika on their spectacular journey of discovery. Stay Safe and Stay Blessed
Jason Rebello
Jason Rebello started following Felicia Bengtsson, khai yuan teohover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Jason Rebello
Jason Rebello commented on Twishaa Sharma's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Hi Twishaa, G'Day from the Land Down Under, Thank you very much for your review of Red Earth Diaries. I loved reading your balanced review and am glad to note that you found it to be a good read overall. As far as mishaps and misadventures, I am sorry to have let you down there, as fortunately for us, there were none during the trip. Every episode, and every interaction is true and there have been no omissions to the story to deliberately make the book feel like a feel-good story. With gratitude, Jason Rebello jason@evolvingwordsmith.com P.S.: I was not able to find a way to DM you directly so have message you here. Not sure if this is the right approach, though.
Jason Rebello
Jason Rebello started following Twishaa Sharmaover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Jason Rebello
Jason Rebello liked Twishaa Sharma's update over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Our Journey as Migrants in Australia: Post 3 - Big City Living This post is in a series of posts that invites you along on our journey as migrants in Australia. In case you missed the two preceding posts, the links are provided below: 1) Post 1 – The Journey so Far - https://theevolvingbackpacker.com/our-journey-as.../ 2) Post 2 – A Girl is Born - https://theevolvingbackpacker.com/our-journey-as.../ In this post, I share our experience of big city living in Brisbane, and the events surrounding our arrival to Queensland’s capital and our eventual departure. Brisbane evokes happy memories for both of us. We moved to this city from Townsville in early 2017. When we relocated, we were in a semi-settled state with a permanent job in hand and a beautiful child in our lives; we had also developed a network of friends - our life was moving in a positive direction. Never the ones to miss a travel opportunity, Ambika and I decided to make a road trip out of it so we bundled up Rohan, who had just turned one, in our second hand Toyota Corolla and took a leisurely four days to cover the 1350 kilometres distance from Townsville to Brisbane. The picturesque coastal drive allowed us to explore the countryside, but more importantly, it also gave us a chance to unwind. We made three stopovers: Mackay - to meet friends, Rockhampton - for an overnight rest, and Harvey Bay - for the beaches. Our rental unit in Brisbane was a compact 2-bed, 1-bath unit located in Ascot, an affluent suburb situated in inner Brisbane city. We chose the location out of necessity, as it was close to my place of work and I usually rode my bicycle to work. Brisbane, or Brissy, as it is referred to by locals, was a marvellous experience. Our unit was located close to the racecourse and the train station. We were also a short walk away from the ferry terminal, and we’d often spend holidays travelling into town and aimlessly wander about in Southbank or the city centre. The CityCat ferry rides along the meandering Brisbane river past the waterfront houses with their private jetty’s, the botanical gardens and towering skyscrapers was a beautiful experience and something we did regularly. We were also very lucky to have wonderful neighbours- friendly, kind and reliable. Being a shift worker, I had the luxury of having an equal time on-time off roster so I’d spend most of the mornings on my days off taking Rohan for a walk to the stables to watch the horses during their morning training. We’d visit the local farmers' markets on most weekends to pick up fresh vegetables and groceries - an activity that took us back to our childhood days in Mumbai. I was able to strike off one item that had been on my bucket list ever since I’d started running - participating in the Gold Coast Marathon. It was a proud-happy feeling for me to meet my family at the finish line on that day. Whilst we had a healthy work-life balance and a fairly comfortable lifestyle, we did not have much savings. We still did not have a house we could call our own or a sense of permanency that comes with it. I was happy in my role, however, I was looking for my next break. With ‘Áustralian’work experience now under my belt, I was now in a much better position than when we first arrived in Australia. Later that year, we got the incredible news that Ambika was expecting our second child. Not soon after, I was offered a senior management role at the Port of Port Hedland. We were ecstatic. Until then we’d never considered moving over to the west coast, let alone to a remote mining town nestled in the furthest corner of this vast continent. But as a migrant, it was clear to us that you go where the next big break takes you. And this was an offer too good to say no to. So for the fourth time in three years, we were ready to move house. It was time to explore the western shores. In my next post, I take you to the picturesque city of Townsville in Tropical North Queensland and a place of many firsts. I hope to have your company in the next post. Stay safe and Stay Blessed. Jason
Jason Rebello
Jason Rebello started following Henya Drescheralmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Jason Rebello
Jason Rebello posted an updatealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
It is with trembling hands and a thumping heart that I am typing this post - my feelings are driven partly by apprehension, partly by excitement and partly also by the fear of the unknown - yet, I am proud to announce that I am at the pre-launch phase of my debut travelogue, Red Earth Diaries: A Migrant Couple's Backpacking adventure in Australia. Red Earth Diaries encompasses our journey of two months when Ambika and I arrived as migrants in Australia. Instead of settling down straight away, we decided (foolishly or boldly, depending on whom you ask) to backpack extensively for two months...until we ran out of money. ;-) The book is founded on four primary pillars. It's a migrant's journal, a travelogue, a delve into Australian history, and an inspirational tale. The central message of the book is for everyone to chase their dreams - however distant and impossible they may seem. Our travel story is interwoven with snippets of history and provides the reader with a glimpse of Australia as viewed through the eyes of newly arrived migrants. My journey as an author, has been longer and wilder still. It's taken me six years to give birth to my baby and what an incredible journey it has been. I've gone the self-published route and every step of the process has taught me something new.  From downright rejections to inspiring emails...from scathing reviews (which helped me revisit the book ad polish the rough edges by the way) to notes of appreciation, I've experienced several highs and lows along the way. But I did not give up, and I am proud of this above all else. The final outcome of the book now lies in the hands of the divine (some would argue that it is actually in the hands of the reader), but I received my reward when I held the book in my hands for the first time. there's never a good or bad time for launching a book...or so I've heard, hence I am taking a gamble and releasing the book in the face of the pandemic travel restrictions. Who knows, maybe readers of the book derive the pleasure of travelling through the pages of this book. And now I stand tall at the edge of the tallest cliff with a loudhailer to proclaim to anyone who dares to dream: "If I can do it then so can you!" The book will be launched on 08 July 2021. A promo video and some FAQs are available on my author website - www.evolvingwordsmith.com.  It's time to buckle up, say a prayer and hold on tight with a white-knuckled grip - this ride is about to get wild! I am currently seeking reviewers who would love a free ARC in return for an honest review. Would any of you lovely folks care to read.
Jason Rebello
Jason Rebello started following S.E. Ansley, James Maitland, Lynne Barnes and 30 morealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About me
Jason Rebello was born in Mumbai, India and went to sea at the early age of seventeen. His travel blog, The Evolving Backpacker, was born out of his passion for travel. Jason along with his wife and two children is now settled in Australia. Jason is now embarking on his journey as an author
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