Jason Rebello
Jason Rebello posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Hi fellow readers, The wait is over for me. After weeks and months of nervous anticipation, my book 'Red Earth Diaries' will be launched on Reedsy today (31st). The book was released worldwide on 08th July and I am so happy to announce that it hit Amazon No.1 Bestseller list in its first week of release in the Australian Travel category and some other categories as well. Being new to Reedsy, I am excited to see how this platform works and if readers on this platform would be interested in reading this book. I've been told by the powers that be that I must aim to get many 'upvotes', so without really knowing how it works, I ask you, the reader to please consider 'upvoting' this book. For a first time author-publisher, this would really mean a lot to me. Here is a brief synopsis of the storyline: In Red Earth Diaries we meet Jason and Ambika, a newlywed couple who migrated to Australia with the hope of a fresh start. However, unlike most migrants, they made a bold decision to postpone their settlement plans, throw caution to the wind and backpack in Australia on a shoestring budget. ' Their travel story is interwoven with snippets of history, and provides the reader with a glimpse of Australia as viewed through the eyes of newly arrived migrants. Join Jason and Ambika on their spectacular journey of discovery. Stay Safe and Stay Blessed

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