It is with trembling hands and a thumping heart that I am typing this post - my feelings are driven partly by apprehension, partly by excitement and partly also by the fear of the unknown - yet, I am proud to announce that I am at the pre-launch phase of my debut travelogue, Red Earth Diaries: A Migrant Couple's Backpacking adventure in Australia.
Red Earth Diaries encompasses our journey of two months when Ambika and I arrived as migrants in Australia. Instead of settling down straight away, we decided (foolishly or boldly, depending on whom you ask) to backpack extensively for two months...until we ran out of money. ;-)
The book is founded on four primary pillars. It's a migrant's journal, a travelogue, a delve into Australian history, and an inspirational tale. The central message of the book is for everyone to chase their dreams - however distant and impossible they may seem.
Our travel story is interwoven with snippets of history and provides the reader with a glimpse of Australia as viewed through the eyes of newly arrived migrants.
My journey as an author, has been longer and wilder still. It's taken me six years to give birth to my baby and what an incredible journey it has been. I've gone the self-published route and every step of the process has taught me something new.
From downright rejections to inspiring emails...from scathing reviews (which helped me revisit the book ad polish the rough edges by the way) to notes of appreciation, I've experienced several highs and lows along the way. But I did not give up, and I am proud of this above all else. The final outcome of the book now lies in the hands of the divine (some would argue that it is actually in the hands of the reader), but I received my reward when I held the book in my hands for the first time. there's never a good or bad time for launching a book...or so I've heard, hence I am taking a gamble and releasing the book in the face of the pandemic travel restrictions. Who knows, maybe readers of the book derive the pleasure of travelling through the pages of this book.
And now I stand tall at the edge of the tallest cliff with a loudhailer to proclaim to anyone who dares to dream: "If I can do it then so can you!"
The book will be launched on 08 July 2021. A promo video and some FAQs are available on my author website -
It's time to buckle up, say a prayer and hold on tight with a white-knuckled grip - this ride is about to get wild!
I am currently seeking reviewers who would love a free ARC in return for an honest review. Would any of you lovely folks care to read.