E. V. Svetova

E. V. Svetova

Where lies the line between fantasy and reality? Can you have it all? Can you imagine?

E. V. Svetova

@evsvetova - Author

E. V. Svetova

E. V. Svetova

@evsvetova - Author

E. V. Svetova studied psychology as an undergrad and received her Master’s from NYU. She lives at the edge of the last natural forest on the island of... more

E. V. Svetova
E. V. Svetova shared an update on Over The Hills Of Greenalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Join me as we talk with the lovely G. Claire, the author of Dreaming in the Time of Dragons, about our books and creative process. https://www.facebook.com/Thewritereview/videos/341401264072901
E. V. Svetovaalmost 4 years ago
E. V. Svetova
E. V. Svetova shared an update on Over The Hills Of Greenalmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Check out me being interviewed by the amazingly gracious Annie Horsky McDonnell for her famous The Write Review book club! I was nervous, but in the end we had tons of fun. https://www.facebook.com/Thewritereview/videos/266787341355159/
E. V. Svetova
E. V. Svetova posted an updatealmost 5 years ago
almost 5 years ago
Hey, friends! I am thrilled to invite you to come see me being interviewed by the amazing Annie Horsky McDonnell at her very popular The Write Review book club on Sunday, May 24th at 7 Pm EST. I'll be giving away my books from The Green Hills trilogy and telling all kinds of behind the scenes secrets. https://www.facebook.com/Thewritereview/
E. V. Svetova
E. V. Svetova upvoted Ms. Neverover 5 years ago
over 5 years ago
E. V. Svetova
E. V. Svetova started following Lolah Howardover 5 years ago
over 5 years ago
E. V. Svetova
E. V. Svetova left a comment on Over The Hills Of Greenover 5 years ago
over 5 years ago
Thanks to all who upvoted my book! Nothing is as rewarding as the fellow creators' approval. OVER THE HILLS OF GREEN is free on Amazon today!
E. V. Svetova
E. V. Svetova started following Jessica Lucciover 5 years ago
over 5 years ago
E. V. Svetova
E. V. Svetova posted an updateover 5 years ago
over 5 years ago
Enter a Goodreads giveaway to win Over the Hills OF Green or its award-winning prequel, Print In The Snow. https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/300320-over-the-hills-of-green
E. V. Svetova
E. V. Svetova posted an updateover 5 years ago
over 5 years ago
At the first weekend of the release, Over The Hills Of Green reached the #2 in Psychological Literary Fiction and LGBT Fantasy categories on Amazon, and #5 in Metaphysical Fiction.
E. V. Svetova
E. V. Svetova started following Felicia Bengtssonover 5 years ago
over 5 years ago
About me
E. V. Svetova studied psychology as an undergrad and received her Master’s from NYU. She lives at the edge of the last natural forest on the island of Manhattan with her husband, a digital artist, sharing their old apartment with an ever-expanding library and a spoiled English bulldog.
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