Corey Abreau Abreau

Cute Books 4 Kids

Children's Book Author | Book Reviewer | YouTube Read Aloud

Corey Abreau Abreau

@coreyabreauabreau -  Reviewer

Corey Abreau's books

Live on Discovery

Before I Was Born

Gold-award winner at the Mom’s Choice Awards! Everything alive starts out small as can be-- including vegetables, fruit, and babies like me! Your child is about to be a big brother or sister! But how do you explain what's happening inside Mommy's belly? Before I Was Born is a children's book f...

Live on Discovery

Potty Time

With my family's support and my potty shouting hooray, I will succeed in potty training all the way!

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About me
Award-winning children's book author, YouTuber, blogger, and book reviewer.
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📚 200 books read per year