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An adorable read for parents and toddlers that will ease out the fear and hesitation around potty training. Pick it up today for your child.
With my family's support and my potty shouting hooray,
I will succeed in potty training all the way!
Potty Time written by Corey Abreau Abreau is an adorable read for parents and toddlers alike. Potty training is a harrowing and draining experience for parents. Many a times it leads to humiliation and embarrassment for the child. While the parents are stressed and exhausted by the whole cycle and at times there is showdown when the child fails.
Corey's book is an honest attempt to portray how a child actually feels when he/she first tries to go potty time by themselves. There is self assurance at the same time a child is riddled with self doubt. The book expresses in a delightful manner how the child might engage himself at potty time and behave in a responsible manner by cleaning himself after he's done. In the pages you will find a lovable retelling of potty time through a child's eye. The child feels all grown up when he goes by himself yet loves the assurance given by his mother when she waits by the door.
The book is a thoughtful attempt in presenting a child's view of potty time. He/she enjoys the alone time, enjoy a book, clean up by themselves, place the stool back. Yet a toddler needs a parent nearby just in case he/she slips or needs some assistance. It also speaks of positive praises that help a child grow in confidence. A simple task might seem daunting for a toddler but with proper support and positive remarks they can achieve it.
A must read for parents with toddlers. Read with your child and enjoy some relaxing time with this darling book. The language is simple with short sentences making it easy to read and comprehend. The illustrations add charm and flavor making it a delight.
I would like to thank the publisher and the author for providing me with a ARC as well previous books written by her. I also love reading Before I was Born, a book about how a mother carries the child in her womb and the bond between them. The other book Socks was equally adorable as most toddler love to fidget and play around with their socks. Parents with small children will readily identify with it.
I am open to trying new things. Being a librarian reading keeps me alive and helps me live new lives each time I read.
With my family's support and my potty shouting hooray,
I will succeed in potty training all the way!
Award-winning children's book author, YouTuber, blogger, and book reviewer. www.cutebooks4kids.net https://youtube.com/@CuteBooks4KidsOfficial view profile
Published on November 30, 2021
0-1000 words
Genre: Children's
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