Anusha Narasimhan

Anusha Narasimhan's Blog

Anusha Narasimhan

@anushanarasimhan - Reader

Anusha Narasimhan

Anusha Narasimhan

@anushanarasimhan - Reader

I'm a software developer curious about the world around me. I read a variety of books, with a special love for sci-fi, fantasy, humour, psychology, ph... more

Anusha Narasimhan
Anusha Narasimhan upvoted Esemtu Vol. 1over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Anusha Narasimhanalmost 5 years ago
Anusha Narasimhan
Anusha Narasimhan started following J. Schlenkerabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
Anusha Narasimhan
Anusha Narasimhan started following David Schaafsmaabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
About me
I'm a software developer curious about the world around me. I read a variety of books, with a special love for sci-fi, fantasy, humour, psychology, philosophy, science, computing, graphic novels. I review pretty much all genre, except for horror, erotica and modern poetry.
Profile URL

📚100 books read per year

🏆10 submissions per year