umra shahzad


Book reviewer

umra shahzad

@umrashahzad - Reader

umra shahzad

umra shahzad

@umrashahzad - Reader

I am a content writer; I usually write essays and articles for people and i also proofread and edit people's books. I also own a book blog on Instagra... more

umra shahzad
umra shahzad posted an updateabout 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
TRIGGER WARNING 🌑 one day a person in your Mohallah (Community) brings a radio, screaming hysterically about some voices he has heard on it. ---------------------------------- You all of you lean in to listen and you hear it too- the screams and cries of boys, men being beaten, tortured in the concentration camps. You hear their voices in the background of a music that's been played to hide the barbarity thats taking place behind the walls. And that is the moment you all realise about the coming of an apocalypse... ---------------------------------- The Book Of Gold leaves encapsulates the whole of occupied Kashmir. It isn't just a novel or a love story of Faiza and Roohi, it's about unprecedented end of times for Kashmiri people who became the residents of hell. ---------------------------------- The writer doesn't reduce the human sacrifices, massive killings, racial genocide into a trivial love affair between the two main characters. Instead through their tale, Mirza Waheed provides insight of a Shia Sunni Mohallah and it's residents whose lives are gradually taken over by the Indian Military. ---------------------------------- Faiza escapes Srinagar and joins Jihad group to come back home and fight the Indian army but on his return after an year all he witnesses is a "City in ruin and perennial mourning" where "in houses and streets, the dead outnumber the living." -------------------------------- Kashmir becomes a country without a post office but people still find ways of communicating with one another through letters. The resistance is and remains throughout the story. ---------------------------------- Waheed blurs the boundaries between Muslim and Hindus as an Indian Officer Kumar also experiences a psychological hell when he has to execute the orders of the authorities. p.s this photo has been taken by me. . . . #gilbertblythe #netflix #netflixseason #you #bookme #bookclub #storytimethread #makeup #penguin #bookblog #mirzawaheed #kimmerbooks #kashmirbleeds #bookstagram #books #bookaddict #harry-potter #booknerd #bookofgoldleaves #exo #bts #bookstagram #bookreviews #classics #penguinclassics #followforafollowback #bookshelf #hudabeauty #photography 
About me
I am a content writer; I usually write essays and articles for people and i also proofread and edit people's books. I also own a book blog on Instagram, and I unravel the mysterious world of books through my reviews.
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📚30 books read per year

🏆9 submissions per year