Tom Murdoch

Tom Murdoch

Tom Murdoch

@tommurdoch -  Author

Tom's books

Live on Discovery

It's OK to Be a Puppy

When a child feels anxious, alone, or wonders about being good, read this illustrated book together. This colorful illustrated children's book is a story of a puppy's view of the world through rhyming prose, as the puppy hopes to grow up to be like everyone else. There will be plenty of time for ...

Take your child on an exciting storytime journey with the adventurous Ricky Jo, a little pup looking to explore his big dreams and share in new experiences. More than ever, we want our children to be passionate about learning, confident in their creativity, and eager to seek out new places and a...

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About me
Tom Murdoch is an award-winning advertising copywriter and creative director of a boutique advertising agency. He has collaborated with artists, film stars, and radio personalities over the course of forty years as a partner of Murdoch Marketing, the advertising agency he owns with his wife Nancy.
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