Stanley Dankoski

Stanley Dankoski

I help writers get their books published

Stanley Dankoski

@stanleydankoski - Reader

Stanley Dankoski

Stanley Dankoski

@stanleydankoski - Reader

I help writers with various levels of editing, researching and querying literary agents, and (for changemaker nonfiction writers) crafting book propos... more

Stanley Dankoski
Stanley Dankoski started following Ricardo Fayetalmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
Stanley Dankoski
Stanley Dankoski started following Crystal Kingabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Stanley Dankoski
Stanley Dankoski imported 119 books to their Library about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
The Things They CarriedI Am Having So Much Fun Here Without YouBig Magic: Creative Living Beyond FearBrave New WorldNo Death, No FearThe Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as PossibleWinter's BoneLiving with Awareness: A Guide to the Satipatthana SuttaScratch: Writers, Money, and the Art of Making a LivingThe Last Repatriate
Stanley Dankoskiabout 4 years ago
About me
I help writers with various levels of editing, researching and querying literary agents, and (for changemaker nonfiction writers) crafting book proposals. A published writer, I also have worked as a web developer and literary event and portrait photographer.
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