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Must read 🏆

Just when you thought you’ve tried it all, this insightful book will spur you to achieve new heights of book marketing effort and success.


Marketing a book in 2021 can seem like a full-time job, what with the crazy number of things authors seem to be expected to do: social media, blog tours, advertising, price promotions, mailing lists, giveaways, you name it.

But here’s a little secret: you don’t need to do all those things to successfully set your book on the path to success. What you need is a solid plan to find the one or two tactics that will work, and start to drive sales… in a minimum amount of time. And that’s exactly what you’ll find in this book.

In particular, you’ll learn:
- How to change your mindset and sell more books with less effort.;
- How to write books that guarantee a lasting, profitable career;
- How to get Amazon’s Kindle Store to market your book for you;
- How to get thousands of readers into your mailing list before you even release the book;
- How to propel your book to the top of the charts at launch; and
- How to automate your marketing so that you can spend less time marketing and more time writing,

I should have read this book sooner! That’s one of the first things I had in mind as I read Ricardo Fayet’s “How to Market a Book: Overperform in a Crowded Market”. This is a reference material that could save authors both time and money in trying to search for the best ways to market one’s book. For independent authors, this is a must-have guide that’s brimming with information and practical advice coming from years of expertise and experience.

Just when I thought I’ve tried it all, here comes a book that seems to be telling me not to give up yet. Indeed, after reading it, I have highlighted several ways I could look into to keep on trying. It’s as though I have discovered a well of knowledge that could assist me each time I want to improve my book sales.

I can attest to some of the tips given in the book. I have tried them previously and they worked for me. Now I can’t wait to try some more hoping I could finally achieve the breakthrough I’ve been longing for.

This book gave me hope. In big and little ways, it is educational and inspiring. Whether one is a fiction or a non-fiction writer, one can benefit from the basics as well as the more detailed steps one could take to increase book sales.

Written in an easy-to-follow narrative, the tone used here is both professional and personal, informative yet not without a wholesome sense of humor. The examples given were clear and easy to remember. The logic behind each piece of advice is well-founded and backed up by reliable sources.

This book is right on track in pointing to one of the main concerns troubling writers, that the market for books is already saturated. After reading it, however, one could have a new perspective so that one could finally see how it is still possible to sell one’s books despite the crowded market.

In the end, it’s not what has already been achieved by other writers, it’s what one could still do.

This is more than a marketing guide, it’s a self-help and inspirational book that can make a big difference in a writer’s life. I can’t help but remember the same impact Malcolm Gladwell’s book “The Tipping Point” has impressed upon me.

In that perspective, I’d like to end my review with one of my favorite quotes in Malcolm’s book: “Look at the world around you. It may seem like an immovable, implacable place. It is not. With the slightest push – in just the right place – it can be tipped.”

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Hi, I'm Joyce! My blog is open for book review requests for Children's Books as well as Catholic Books of various genres especially for devotional books and inspirational/self-help books that could help people undergoing difficult times.


Marketing a book in 2021 can seem like a full-time job, what with the crazy number of things authors seem to be expected to do: social media, blog tours, advertising, price promotions, mailing lists, giveaways, you name it.

But here’s a little secret: you don’t need to do all those things to successfully set your book on the path to success. What you need is a solid plan to find the one or two tactics that will work, and start to drive sales… in a minimum amount of time. And that’s exactly what you’ll find in this book.

In particular, you’ll learn:
- How to change your mindset and sell more books with less effort.;
- How to write books that guarantee a lasting, profitable career;
- How to get Amazon’s Kindle Store to market your book for you;
- How to get thousands of readers into your mailing list before you even release the book;
- How to propel your book to the top of the charts at launch; and
- How to automate your marketing so that you can spend less time marketing and more time writing,

The mindset

Marketing has become somewhat of a scary word in the world of publishing. The thinking goes that authors are creatives, and as such they’re naturally terrible at being salespeople. Almost every day I get an e-mail or request from an author asking if I’d be interested in taking over their marketing, because they just want to focus on writing the next book.

This is the first hurdle many authors have to overcome. Marketing is a different skill, yes. It takes time and dedication, sure. But it’s not something you should be afraid of—or at least not for the wrong reasons. Because marketing a book is not about “going out there and finding readers.” That is just as spammy and ineffective as it sounds. And it’s not how books are sold.

Think about the last book you read: why did you buy it in the first place? Is it because the author somehow tracked you down, cold-called or cold-e-mailed you, or tweeted you saying, “Hey, buy my book!”? Probably not, right? Instead, a friend may have recommended it to you, or you might have come across it while browsing virtual or physical bookshelves.

Here’s the thing: authors don’t find readers; readers find books. That’s a simple change in perspective, but a critical one for [RR1] effectively marketing your books. Marketing is not about selling your book to readers. It’s about getting readers to find it. Once you shift your perspective to the reader, you start thinking about the number-one question in book marketing: “How will readers find my book?”

Now, this is a complicated question with many answers. If you write genre fiction, it’s possible that readers will find you through:

- Browsing or searching Amazon

- A newsletter from one of your author friends recommending your book

- An existing reader sharing your book on Goodreads

- A popular review site

- Etc.

If you write nonfiction, they might find your book through:

- An online search

- An influencer posting about your book

- A podcast

- Your guest post on a major blog

- Etc.

Thinking about where readers find books like yours is the first step toward marketing them. And since I’m confident that you are a reader of the kind of books you write, you should be ideally placed to know where readers tend to find them.

The next step is simple: making sure your books show up in those places. The next few chapters will show you how to achieve that, but in the meantime I want you to take a moment to think about five to ten likely ways readers discover books in your genre. I bet this thought experiment will give you some novel ideas (pun intended) to market your book.


About the author

I'm one of the founders of Reedsy, and an avid SFF reader with a particular passion for high fantasy. I am also the author of the two Reedsy Marketing Guides: How to Market a Book, and Amazon Ads for Authors. view profile

Published on January 26, 2021

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60000 words

Worked with a Reedsy professional 🏆

Genre:Writing & Publishing

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